Standard size sink and faucet dimensions are used throughout the plumbing industry, which should make your job of finding a new faucet easier. Most faucet manufacturers offer a wide selection of faucets for any kitchen or bath setting. To determine what type of faucet you need in the kitchen, you should count the number of mounting holes you have under your sink.
Your sink can have up to four holes and may be difficult to see from the top of the sink if they are covered by an existing faucet and deck In the bath, the faucet is typically set in either 4” or 8” width configurations. In the 4” set you can have a centerset or mini widespread setup; if it’s 8” or more, it is known as a widespread set. When you choose your new faucet, you can change styles, but will have to stay with the same size, or replace the sink if you want to switch.
Measure the distance between the screws in the center of the handles. Bath faucets are usually 4" center to center and any 4" faucet will work. Most kitchen are 8" from center of the handle screw to the other screw, any 8" center faucet will fit that.
Some weird sinks have measurements that are not standard like these dimensions, and the faucets have individual valves connected with flexible hoses under the sink but these are not common. Once you measure the faucet, anyone can help you get the one you want. The directions in the box will assist you in replacing your old one with a new one.
Not all will. I would consult with a professional at your local hardware store.
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