Are Paulas Choice products vegan, or do any of them contain animal by-products?

The majority of Paula's Choice products contain no animal ingredients, but some do contain beeswax, lanolin or lanolin derivatives, cholesterol, and ceramide. The following products contain lanolin (which is extracted from sheep's wool) or a derivative of lanolin: Lip & Body Treatment Balm, Moisturizing Lipscreen SPF 15, Smooth Matte Lipstick, Soft Matte Blush shades Dusty Rose, Pale Rose, Pale Peach, and Contour Brown, and Soft Shine Moisturizing Lip Gloss. The following products contain beeswax: Brow/Hair Tint, Constant Colour Lip Paint, Epic Lengths Mascara, Hydrating Treatment Cream, Lip & Body Treatment Balm, Lush Mascara, Moisturizing Lipscreen SPF 15, Slip Into Silk Body Lotion, Smooth Matte Lipstick, and Soft Cream Lipstick.

The following products contain cholesterol: Hydrating Treatment Cream, Lip & Body Treatment Balm (contains an ester of cholesterol), Moisturizing Lipscreen SPF 15, and Skin Balancing Toner. The following products contain ceramide: Hydrating Treatment ...

The majority of Paula's Choice products contain no animal ingredients, but some do contain beeswax, lanolin or lanolin derivatives, cholesterol, and ceramide. The following products contain lanolin (which is extracted from sheep's wool) or a derivative of lanolin: Lip & Body Treatment Balm, Moisturizing Lipscreen SPF 15, and Soft Shine Moisturizing Lip Gloss. The following products contain beeswax: Brow/Hair Tint, Epic Lengths Mascara, Hydrating Treatment Cream, Lip & Body Treatment Balm, Lush Mascara, Moisturizing Lipscreen SPF 15, Slip Into Silk Body Lotion, and Soft Cream Lipstick.

The following products contain cholesterol: Hydrating Treatment Cream, Lip & Body Treatment Balm (contains an ester of cholesterol), Moisturizing Lipscreen SPF 15, and Skin Balancing Toner. The following products contain ceramide: Hydrating Treatment Cream and Skin Balancing Toner. Our makeup brushes, except for the synthetic Concealer Brush and Precision Liner Brush, are made from animal hair.


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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