Askville decrease or increase points when someone asks a question or answer a question?

Askville decrease or increase points when someone asks a question or answer a question Yahoo Answer decrease points when someone asks a question or when someone deletes an answer. If Askville does not decrease points by ask or answer a question Askville is perfect....! Asked by nuevayork 34 months ago Similar questions: Askville decrease increase points asks question answer Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Askville decrease increase points asks question answer.

When you ask questions, you'll be deducted quest golds depending if you ask anonymously or not. If it's a regualr question, you'll be deducted 9 quest golds but if you want to ask anonymously, you'll be deducted 20 gold quests. When you answer a question, you'll earn if your answer got 3 stars or lose gold points if your answer is voted down or junked (below 3 stars).

For more details, explore all about askville. It's free! Sources: .

Well, I guess Askville is perfect, then! Nope, Askville does not charge you any gold when you ask a question! In fact, it's just the opposite--you GAIN Questgold for asking a question here!

Cool, huh? Askville is more into rewarding you for doing good than penalizing. We want you to ask questions, and be a part of the community.

Here is how the point system works in Askville:Quest Gold Earned---Ask a question 1Submit an answer to a question* 1Use widget in an answer** 1Vote on an answer* 1Login to Askville (once per day)5Get a Best Answer Bonus 5Get a 5.0 stars rating for an answer 15Get a 4.5 stars rating for an answer 7Get a 4.0 stars rating for an answer 5Get a 3.5 stars rating for an answer 3Get a 3.0 stars rating for an answer 1Get a 2.5 stars rating for an answer 0Get a 2.0 stars rating for an answer -5Get a 1.5 stars rating for an answer -7Get a 1.0 stars rating for an answer -10There are good things about Yahoo Answers, and there are bad things about Yahoo Answers. There are good things about Askville, and there are bad things about Askville. You need to weigh the good with the bad and determine which site best represents what you want and like.

Many of us came initially from Yahoo Answers, like me. As soon as I spent a little time in Askville, I knew it was a site better suited for me. I enjoyed the more adult discussions, and the higher intellectual levels represented here--the maturity.

Poppet Sources: .

1 Askville is not perfect. The "points" are completely meaningless. Why would you care if you gain any or lose any?

They mean *nothing*. For what it's worth, though, you can in fact lose "points". If your answer is voted 1 or 2 stars, you lose points.

If you ask or answer anonymously, you lose points. Again, who cares? .

Askville is not perfect. The "points" are completely meaningless. Why would you care if you gain any or lose any?

They mean *nothing*. For what it's worth, though, you can in fact lose "points". If your answer is voted 1 or 2 stars, you lose points.

If you ask or answer anonymously, you lose points. Again, who cares?

2 Down with all points!Mugwa........Annlee .

3 Yep! I think you just get one point for asking a question. But the points and gold are useless in the real world.

;-) .

Yep! I think you just get one point for asking a question. But the points and gold are useless in the real world.


" "Wouldn't it be great if Askville would let you retract an answer, even costing some penalty points, up until that time" "Have you ever read a question on Askville that you knew the answer to, but...

I got a junk answer on a question that I didn't even answer.

What does it takes to get a question answer here in Askville.

In someone's answer to a question, there was a claim of someone "points scamming" and that person using 3 Askville accts.

Wouldn't it be great if Askville would let you retract an answer, even costing some penalty points, up until that time.

Have you ever read a question on Askville that you knew the answer to, but...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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