Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do not like them, what is it about them that you don't like?

Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do not like them, what is it about them that you don't like? What changes do you think could be made to make them worth answering?

Asked by Late2Serenity 42 months ago Similar questions: Bonus Questions Askville members Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Bonus Questions Askville members.

I think they're boring questions I come to Askville to help people. I like the feeling of connection. I really enjoy knowing that I've helped somebody understand something.

The askers don't care about the bonus questions. They're being paid to ask them, given a topic, and most of them seem to put the most trivial effort possible into coming up with a question. Given how little they're paying, people would have to concoct hundreds of questions an hour to make even minimum wage, so there's not a lot of incentive to put thought into the questions.So 99.9% of the time, if a newbie had asked the same question, you'd tell them to go look it up on Google.

I don't want to be a human version of Google. Google's better at it than I am. Perhaps if they compensated the askers based on how many answers they got.

That would encourage people to ask questions worth the trouble of answering. But that would imply that the purpose of the questions was to draw answerers to Askville. The fact that they have to offer extra gold for the the bonus questions suggests that it's more than that; they KNOW that the questions themselves aren't a draw.

If Askville explained what their purpose was, perhaps I'd feel better about them. As it is, all they do is clutter up the list of questions with dullness, further diluting the pool of questions worth the trouble of answering..

First and foremost, most of them are not really questions. Sure, they ask a question, but they aren’t really questions that someone really wants an answer to 2) Most of them are inane and stupid, and many are offensive. 3) The topics picked for the questions suck - they are topics which will only ever get a single answer, resulting in 7000 level 0 topics - this will slow down the database and servers.4) The first person to answer gets a level 2 bonus, resulting in people "picking off" the questions as they are posted.5) they are never rated by the asker - it’s like having a thousand "newusers" asking questions - this results in a plethora of appeals to get better than a 3 rating..

1 Regarding the 2x multiplier for BQ's that you guys mentioned in your answers I noticed something. I had answered some BQ's the first 2 days that they introduced the feature. All except for 2 or 3 ended up with default 3 stars.

I appealed them and as expected all came back with 4 or 4.5 stars. The funny thing is that the multiplier does not apply when you appeal! Lol!

It means that you get 2 gold for a default 3 but for a 4 star after appeal instead of earning 2x10 you earn 10 gold! I presume it is a glitch and reported, however I haven't answered any more since the Tuesday after the Monday that they introduced the feature!

Regarding the 2x multiplier for BQ's that you guys mentioned in your answers I noticed something. I had answered some BQ's the first 2 days that they introduced the feature. All except for 2 or 3 ended up with default 3 stars.

I appealed them and as expected all came back with 4 or 4.5 stars. The funny thing is that the multiplier does not apply when you appeal! Lol!

It means that you get 2 gold for a default 3 but for a 4 star after appeal instead of earning 2x10 you earn 10 gold! I presume it is a glitch and reported, however I haven't answered any more since the Tuesday after the Monday that they introduced the feature!

" "I would like to see the 'askville bonus' topic removed from the bonus questions unless the bonus question is *about*" "Okay, I'm a bit out of the loop, but can someone tell me 1) WHO is asking these bonus questions, and 2) WHY is Askville" "Attention Askville PTB! We are tired of illiterate BONUS QUESTIONS! " "Askville Bonus Questions a HUGE success!

This question is for our Askville members who have been regularly posting answers, questions.

Has your initial experience been a positive one.

I would like to see the 'askville bonus' topic removed from the bonus questions unless the bonus question is *about.

Okay, I'm a bit out of the loop, but can someone tell me 1) WHO is asking these bonus questions, and 2) WHY is Askville.

Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do not like them, what is it about them that you don't like? What changes do you think could be made to make them worth answering?

Asked by Late2Serenity 46 months ago Similar Questions: Bonus Questions Askville members Recent Questions About: Bonus Questions Askville members Amazon > Askville.

Similar Questions: Bonus Questions Askville members Recent Questions About: Bonus Questions Askville members.

Bon(us)e-headed topics! The questions themselves are not particularly hard - most of the answers can be found through a little Googling. However, the topics associated with them don't make it worth my while to answer them.

I don't really care about the 2X gold on these things. I have a gold multiplier superpower, but I seldom use it because I don't like the way it affects my question answering. I find myself rushing through answers, not giving them my best effort, just to beat the clock, and that isn't really what I'm all about here.

I am more interested in the experience points I get in the topics attached to the question. I have one L5 topic, 2 L4 topics, and 4 L3 topics, all of which already get me a lot of gold for every decent answer I give. I also get a certain amount of bragging rights in those topics every time I earn points; I am, for example, Askville's topic leader in cars.

The bragging rights are my carrot, so to speak. Unfortunately, the bonus questions invariably come up with topics, other than "Askville Bonus" that don't otherwise have significance here. Once in a while, a random hit will place one of them on a topic that has been discussed before, but usually, it's something that's never been touched here.

If I answer one of these questions, I will end up with yet another L0 topic, of which I already have more than 1300. I don't know what most of them are - I shudder to think how many of them I might be a topic leader in - but I do know that the sheer number of them actually slows down the loading of my profile page, among other annoyances. I've taken to reading the topics list on every question I consider, and I won't answer if the only topics associated are oddballs.

For example, I would answer a question like this: How do I check the transmission fluid level on my 1998 Nissan Maxima? If the topic "cars" were associated, but if the topics included were only "transmission fluid" and "1998 Nissan Maxima," I'd have no incentive other than some purely altruistic motive to answer the question - especially if it's from an unregistered user. I might drop a short answer in the DB, but I would probably let it go without comment.

Finally, there is nobody listening to the answer, even if I give one. At the present time, the BQs are being made up by bored Turkers seeking zinc (that's what pennies are mostly made of now) rather than gold. They're BOGUS questions, not BONUS questions, so I don't even get the satisfaction of helping someone out if I take the bait on one of them.

I answered a few of them the first couple of days, just to help out with the programming, but I'm done now. Enough is enough. Sources: Askvilling .

I think they're boring questions I come to Askville to help people. I like the feeling of connection. I really enjoy knowing that I've helped somebody understand something.

The askers don't care about the bonus questions. They're being paid to ask them, given a topic, and most of them seem to put the most trivial effort possible into coming up with a question. Given how little they're paying, people would have to concoct hundreds of questions an hour to make even minimum wage, so there's not a lot of incentive to put thought into the questions.

So 99.9% of the time, if a newbie had asked the same question, you'd tell them to go look it up on Google. I don't want to be a human version of Google. Google's better at it than I am.

Perhaps if they compensated the askers based on how many answers they got. That would encourage people to ask questions worth the trouble of answering. But that would imply that the purpose of the questions was to draw answerers to Askville.

The fact that they have to offer extra gold for the the bonus questions suggests that it's more than that; they KNOW that the questions themselves aren't a draw. If Askville explained what their purpose was, perhaps I'd feel better about them. As it is, all they do is clutter up the list of questions with dullness, further diluting the pool of questions worth the trouble of answering.

First and foremost, most of them are not really questions. Sure, they ask a question, but they aren’t really questions that someone really wants an answer to 2) Most of them are inane and stupid, and many are offensive. 3) The topics picked for the questions suck - they are topics which will only ever get a single answer, resulting in 7000 level 0 topics - this will slow down the database and servers.

4) The first person to answer gets a level 2 bonus, resulting in people "picking off" the questions as they are posted. 5) they are never rated by the asker - it’s like having a thousand "newusers" asking questions - this results in a plethora of appeals to get better than a 3 rating.

They seem to be kind of homeworky to me. Many of the recent ones could be looked up pretty easily on Wiki, so why be bothered to answer them. How's about more opiniony sorts of questions, or advice sorts of questions.

That way the answers would be more subjective. Sources: he who thinks there are no stupid questions has never asked "any questions? " .

1 Regarding the 2x multiplier for BQ's that you guys mentioned in your answers I noticed something. I had answered some BQ's the first 2 days that they introduced the feature. All except for 2 or 3 ended up with default 3 stars.

I appealed them and as expected all came back with 4 or 4.5 stars. The funny thing is that the multiplier does not apply when you appeal! Lol!

It means that you get 2 gold for a default 3 but for a 4 star after appeal instead of earning 2x10 you earn 10 gold! I presume it is a glitch and reported, however I haven't answered any more since the Tuesday after the Monday that they introduced the feature! .

Askville users: update on the repeated bonus questions" "Attention Askville PTB! We are tired of illiterate BONUS QUESTIONS! " "When searching Askville, is there a way to hide bonus questions in your results?

" "how are make shut up bonus questions flooding askville? " "Can you be eliminated from askville if you do not take an answer slot or answer bonus questions? " "Can Turkers make up bonus questions, then answer them on Askville?

" "Why don't some Askville members like questions where the answer may be found by using Google? " "I think the bonus questions are doing a lot of damage to the Askville community. " "askville bonus questions" "Why doesn't the Askville FAQ have anything about Bonus Questions?

How do they get asked?

Askville users: update on the repeated bonus questions.

Attention Askville PTB! We are tired of illiterate BONUS QUESTIONS!

I think the bonus questions are doing a lot of damage to the Askville community.

Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do like them, what is it that you like about them. Why do you feel they are worth answering?

What, if anything, would you change about them? Asked by Late2Serenity 46 months ago Similar Questions: Bonus Questions Askville members Recent Questions About: Bonus Questions Askville members Amazon > Askville.

Here are a few thoughts that spring to mind........... One thing that I do like about the Bonus Questions is that I have to go look up information on a number of them and for me, that translates into learning something new and I like the experience of educating myself on different things. Along those same lines, I like to be picky on the questions I choose to research for answers. There's no question that some of these Bonus Questions are outright ridiculous and inane and some of them I avoid like the plague.

Another thing I like about some of these questions (and this shows how unobservant I am regarding current events) is that I find out about things going on in the news and around the world that I would normally find out if I just made a more concerted effort to watch the news once in a while. This isn't to say that I'm adopting Askville and Bonus Questions as my sole source for news but at least it's a motivator for me to answer the question and then try to get more input via television or other internet sites at a later time. I think some nice changes to the Bonus Questions, for starters, would be to make sure that they're asked using proper grammar, sentence structure, syntax, spelling, and punctuation.

Another nice option would be for people on the Askville staff to preview the questions before they're released onto the Askville site. I think this would go a long way toward weeding out many of the inane, weird, stupid, meaningless, and uninteresting questions that are interspersed throughout the site itself. Because of the fact that the asker of the question itself does not vote on the question and those with only two answers or less automatically garner default 3 star ratings and practically demand appeals (which are now flooding Askville), maybe the Askville staff should consider tweaking the voting processes for the Bonus Questions.

Sources: My opinions .

I don't answer them anymore, however, there have been a few that, when I saw them, made me go to yahoo and look for related news stories. All of them that I have seen in the past few days seem directly related to something going on in the world. Not that they are not worth answering, however, knowing that they are not asked by real people and will have to be appealed makes them not worth answering to me.

For me, they made Askville fun again I was originally attracted to the additional gold. I take forever to write answers sometimes and I don’t have enough time to spend on Askville to rack it up. Askville surprised us with things to buy with gold once.

That may never happen again but, if it does, it would be nice to have a bit to spend. The other piece was, I like to give my opinion. I know, who knew, right?

I love to do product texts and surveys that influence the development of new products and features. Askville has only done something like this a couple of times before since I’ve been here. It was nice to have a chance to be an influencer.

Plus, Askville gives me a lot without asking much in return. This time, they asked. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to answer.

When I actually started answering questions, I found it was fun. As a rule I don’t do questions that can be answered with a quick Google search or a cut and paste answer. And you know what?

I have no idea why that is. Those questions deserve good answers just as much as complicated relationship questions or advice on fixing a computer. Thinking that a simple question is somehow beneath me is, well, snobby.

Now, granted, these bonus questions are often incredibly simple questions and we know there’s no person with a need to know behind them. But I think it’s important to remember this is a test and our feedback was requested. So I think we need to remain a little open minded, to give a valid answer, and to provide thoughtful feedback.

While the question itself may not seem worth answering, it’s worth trying to help Askville. It’s quite possible the questions were meant to be easy, so we would all grab a few and do them quickly. My guess is the feature in its final incarnation, if there is one, will be Askville user driven, not Mturk driven.

That should improve the quality. An unexpected bonus of the bonus questions for me was gathering information. Many of the topics were new to me or ones I wouldn’t normally research.

Plus, I tend to ignore many current events. By doing the bonus questions, I learned things I’d not know about otherwise. I hope I retain them into team trivia season.

Maybe my team will finally have a chance to beat my husband’s team. They may know how many US states share a border with Canada but none of them is the dab hand I now am at Mel B information! .

I have never seen a good bonus question. So far every one I've seen has been inane pop-culture BS. Stupid stuff the asker could find out by doing a search in google, wikipedia, or IMDB.

If the bonus questions were actually interesting, rather than the "I'm too lazy to use a search engine" pap, I wouldn't have an issue with them.

4 They should be doing that already, Persnicula, since some of the questions, Bonus or otherwise, are like customer service inquiries and we're helping people out with them....LOL .

They should be doing that already, Persnicula, since some of the questions, Bonus or otherwise, are like customer service inquiries and we're helping people out with them....LOL.

" "Attention Askville PTB! We are tired of illiterate BONUS QUESTIONS! " "Should Askville members vote to remove 'weird' questions?

" "I think the bonus questions are doing a lot of damage to the Askville community. " "Why don't some Askville members like questions where the answer may be found by using Google? " "Do you think some Askville members try to compete with others in writing questions?

" "Join me in an Askville Bogus Bonus Questions Crusade! " "Can Turkers make up bonus questions, then answer them on Askville?

Join me in an Askville Bogus Bonus Questions Crusade!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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