Brown Belt Test: @Gno - Pass 3/3?

Commendable accolades Rob, I second all you have said about @gno. I actually get excited when I open my profile and see her name attached to an answer of one of my questions. She is one of the users that has taught me by example how the answer and research questions here on Mahalo Answers.

Any success I have achieved here has been because of the generous and helpful spirit of the top Mahalo users and @gno is certainly one of those. I love when @gno enters an discussion thread late and there are already some good and possibly great answers on the thread already. Watching her just either reinstate order and good thinkin' or provide the most insightful and well put answer that simply puts the rest of ours to bed is just thrilling and I love to read her answers.

I say pass all the way.

Gno is not only a pillar of the community, she is a pleasant, knowledgeable, interesting person. One of the things that really stands out for me when I think about Gno is how she regularly demonstrates an empathetic view when answering questions. Her fact filled, often funny answers are second to none.

I look up to Gno's answers and hope that my own are as interesting and insightful as hers. I can't think of anything negative to say about Gno. Quite simply, she's an example of what I hope Mahalo members become when they obtain an upper (Brown or Black) belt.

I'd like to be associated with people like Gno. It makes belts somehow seem more valuable knowing that she has earned her Brown belt. Mahalo wouldn't be the same place without Gno.

I wrote a haiku about this. Gno~ Gno is very cool Quite friendly and good humored Give her a brown belt She is a credit to Mahalo. She is sweet, funny, fun to talk to, and she does a great job asking and answering questions.

Well, @gno, I already congratulated you privately, but I wanted to repeat that in public. The reviews by staff clearly show your great mturk history, as you've always strived to provide high quality answers (that's part of the reason we both are not there any more). All positive remarks made by staff and fellow Mahaloians are rightfully deserved.

You don't have to blush for well deserved praise. You beat me to the brown belt, but I'll have my revenge on the quest for black belt. One remark: You do definitely look older in your avatar pic than your actual age.Do you intend to look 'old and wise'?

:) I somewhat miss the angry duck.. Wear your belt with pride!

Gno is a great member of the Mahalo community and is well deserving of a brown belt. Her stats are very impressive with a 50% best answers rate and #4 rank in tips! This shows she provides top notch answers.

I know she is doing well in Answers of the Day too. No doubt Gno has earned her brown belt.

Gno - I knew this day would come. I welcome you with open arms. Your bright, funny, unique and silly style is enjoyed by all here at Mahalo.

I did take a peek at you warming up for the Brown Belt Test, and have no doubt that you will pass with flying colors! *even when you got knocked down... it made me giggle!

It the risk of making @gno set the world record for the deepest ever blush... I'd like to agree with all of the above. I still consider myself a relative newbie here. But its the example of members such as @gno that set the standard to which I aspire to.

Wow.... @gno, a good mom and member of mahalo. Congratulation.... Wait, I am coming...woahoooohohoooo need more 6000 points for me to reach the test! Yes, I totally agree with @jeff that her name can be found everyday in ATOD so one can realize her greatness.

I am sure when I am writing this answer, someone may processing his ATOD nomination with @gno .....

I would write a haiku for @gno, but I don't know how. But wait... there's a Mahalo guide on How to Write a Haiku Poem... hmm... * * * The Duck How can a white duck Write delightful wise answers With an angry beak?

Yeay! Finally! Ihave been working so hard to get this far!

I hope I pass! Wish Me Luck! I am so excited to see what people have to say!

I am totally aiming for my black belt! Hopefully you all see my black belt test up there shortly. I really enjoy helping people on mahalo.

I love giving my opinion. Also I have learned so much from everyone. I think Mahalo is a wonderful place, that is very welcoming to new people.

Plus everyone is willing to help each other out with advice on how to get better answers. Keep up the great work everyone!

Mysterygirl, mysterygirl, mysterygirl. You're my friend here on Mahalo, my rival in many a competition, and one hell of an amazing person. I am completely amazed that I beat you to the brown belt (jusssst barely!).

You deserve this completely without question. You're a leader in so many competitions, a top answerer, and a reliable font of helpful advice and information. And it's about darn time you strap on a brown brown belt, girl!

So in premature celebration of your awesomeness I present these horribly sickeningly sweet images of celebration:

Congratulations in advance on your brown belt. Wear it proudly and in good health!

Congrats Mysterygirl! You are a big time contributor and always give great answers. Good luck I am sure you are going to rock this test.


I remember a short time ago when @mysterygirl89 was brand new and she is now as she was then, tenacious when giving and answer and always striving to be better and become the best. There is nobody that will chase me out of a contest before I even try to enter better than you MysteryGirl, great job at kicking a** on those contests. Watching you and @gno compete in the same contest is a real treat.

If the road she has been on is the road she stays on her Black Belt test is right around the corner. MysteryGirl89 has each day been better than the previous and I would say pass all the way. Good luck MysteryGirl89!

Mysterygirl89 - I'm so happy and proud for you today! I looked high and low to find a cat doing a dance that would describe your zeal and spunk in getting your Brown Belt. This is as close as I could come...

Mysterygirl89 is one of those users that really stands out in the Mahalo community, and I mean that in a good way. She is of the younger generation here on Mahalo, yet she provides quality answers that would be expected from someone beyond her years. I have been very impressed with Mysterygirl's efforts here on Mahalo, especially when it comes to contests.

I would say she is ready for the brown belt. Good luck Mysterygirl!

Congrats Go head......with your brown belt!

Mysterygirl89 is a very active member around Mahalo especially in the voting section of "Undecided Questions". You have a very good percentage of Best Answers and I am sure you will make up to the Brown Belt as well as Black Belt very shortly .... Best of Luck and Congratulations! :)


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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