My favorite movie is Idiocracy, it did not do too well at the theatre but, to me it is absolutely Fantastic. Whenever I tell someone ' you need to see Idiocracy', most people have never heard of it. It is so funny and a little bit scary.
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Ghost in The Shell(1) - a movie hardly anyone understands. Like The Matrix but way before that even occurred to Hollywood. People personalities in computers run by computers with hidden agendas and real people within the Shell I said hard to explain but its our future, I'm sure it is some way..... Yes, it's weird and anime :) and it makes sense to me.
There are so many movies that would fall into that category for me. I tend to have different taste in movies than my friends and family. It seems that everyone I know hated Burn After Reading but my husband and I laughed so hard watching this multiple times.
I get strange looks when I say how much I liked it. I don't get it. It really is hilarious.
I think too many people are taking this movie too seriously. It is supposed to make fun of these characters. They are not supposed to be believable as real life characters.
They are exaggerations of those personality types. I laughed so hard at Brad Pitt's character as a hyper, dim witted fitness trainer. He was brilliant.
The casting was genius for all of the parts. This movie has a ton of one liners that my husband and I use all the time. It was brilliantly written and directed.
I wish more people liked and appreciated this film. Surely I can't be the only one that gets this.
As a teen I was crazy about two "absolutely awful" movies - Waterworld and Last Action Hero. I probably watched Waterworld 50 times in my life, and Last Action Hero was THE go-to movie for "sick days" from school. Does it say something that two of my favorite movies were also two of history's biggest financial flops?
Probably, but frankly ... they're way too awesome for me to care what all the haters be sayin' :-)
My favorite movie is The Wiz (1978). It was a "black" and modern version of The Wizard Of Oz. The movie was a total fail as not many people went to see it or bought it.In my opinion it isn't any worse than othe movies from that time and there is a lot of great music and dancing in it too.
:) The actors are (from left to right): Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, Ted Ross and Nipsey Russell.
I really liked the movie Cloverfield but it seams everyone else I know hated it :S.
Fireproof" is a favorite of mine but it received bad reviews from the usual movie critics.
Popeye the movie from the 80's lol it is my favorite and everyone but me and my children seem to think it is horrible.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.