Similar questions: PCIe x1 card fit PCI Slot.
Can a PCIe x1 card fit in a PCI Slot Ok this may be a really dumb question, so let me preface it with this: back in the day, you could install an ISA card into an EISA slot. Soooooo, I was wondering if I can install my TV tuner pci-e x1 card into my 2nd pci-e x16 slot because all of my pci-e x1 slots are blocked. I don't want to RMA my card because of my stupidity.
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No. PCI-Express is the newest kind of expansion slot used in PCs. It is technologically superior to the older slots in every way.
PCI-Express can be referred to using various names: PCI-Express, PCIe, or PCI-E. They all mean exactly the same thing. There's another completely different and incompatible bus called PCI-X so be sure not to get them confused.
Despite the similarity in names, there's no hardware compatibility of any kind between PCI and PCI-Express. You can't plug PCI cards into PCI-Express slots or vice versa. It was just the computer industry doing their level best to confuse people.
Sources: .
1 Nope. Good picture here:
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Gateway computer GT5082 AMD Athlon 64x2 dual core processor 3800+ 2.0ghz PCI e slot but card hits CPU. Suggestions?
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