Can someone translate an Italian phrase into English for me, please?

She starts the conversation: You could at least come and get me with an umbrella but you are a great rude, look here how I am! And then if there is a thing that makes me nervous these are the dinners to the prefect house.(there is a break O:22 and then she speaks again). Here you go, I knew I've got the sob too!

I get it everytimes they make me do something I don't like to. Haven't you understood that to make me happy you need so little? A beautiful chocolate ice cream (sob 0:35)...rather two.

A walk togheter and then what happens just happens....instead you...(she turn the head to him and she recognize that he isn't her boyfriend, she starts to scream) Him: Good Morning princess! Her: It's incredible, you (she starts to talk with a formal use it when you don't know a person) have to explain me...(she is interrupted by him) Him: No! It's you that have to explain me!

I'm sorry ehm...I stop under a roof and you fall into my arms from the sky, I fall from my bicycle and I end up into your arms, I go to school to make a check and then I see you again in front of me.(she smiles 1:02) You are also into my dreams, would you let me alone? Did you know that you have fall in love with me, ok I can understand you but, but...ok at this point I give but, you have won. Where we go princess?

Do we go to the seaside? Do you like the sea? Her: Yes I like it but they are waiting for me in front of the theatre, bring me back.(The video finish).

I have translated it as good as I can, I hope I were helpful, probably I made some mistakes and I'm sorry for them!

They are both speaking. She gets into the car and starts rambling about what an inconsiderate moron he is......because she doesn't yet realize the driver is NOT her inconsiderate boyfriend. He pretends like *SHE* is stalking HIM........(even though it's not true) and she is clearly amused.....but obviously, it's a bizarre situation.

(end of scene) This was a great movie, and does come with English Sub titles, in case you're wondering.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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