Do cats get "high" from cat nip?

1 Mine does for the first couple of hours when fresh cat nip is given but then it seems to have no effects on her.

Catnip and catmints are mainly known for the behavioral effects they have on cats, particularly domestic cats. When cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip, they may roll over it, paw at it, chew it, lick it, leap about and purr, often salivating copiously. Some cats will also growl and meow.

This reaction only lasts for a few minutes before the cat loses interest. It takes up to two hours for the cat to "reset" after which it can come back to the catnip and have the same response as before. 7 Young kittens and older cats are less likely to react to catnip.

Approximately two thirds of cats are susceptible to the behavioral effects of catnip. The phenomenon is hereditary; for example, most cats in Australia are not susceptible to catnip, since Australian cats are drawn from a relatively closed genetic pool. 8 That it elicits such a response in only some cats—and that it is such a dramatic response—suggests that a genetic element is involved that is enriched in domesticated breeds.

Citation needed There is some disagreement about the susceptibility of lions and tigers to catnip. Some claim that all lions and tigers are affected by catnip,9 but others say lions are affected but not tigers. In a recent television documentary released by Animal Planet called Stalking the Jaguar, the scientists on the mission used a form of catnip to attract the elusive Jaguar to a camera point for filming.

Upon attraction, the wild Jaguar reacted in the exact same way domestic cats have to catnip, suggesting further proof of the genetic existence of the susceptibility to catnip outside of domestic felines. Catnip contains nepetalactone, a terpene. Nepetalactone can be extracted from catnip using steam distillation.

10 Cats detect it through their olfactory epithelium and not through their vomeronasal organ. 11 At the olfactory epithelium, the nepetalactone is hypothesized to bind to one or more olfactory receptors where it probably mimicks a cat pheromone, such as the hypothetical feline facial pheromone or the cat urine odorant MMB. Other plants that also have this effect on cats include valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and plants that contain actinidine or dihydroactinidiolide (Smith, 2005).

None of my three cats growing up cared for cat nip. They were indoor/outdoor domestic cats. Currently, I have a strictly indoor cat who goes bonkers for it.

The dry stuff he likes, but in the spring, I keep a plant indoors. The fresh leaves, when crushed, make him go mad.

Do cats get "high" from cat nip/ Asked by sheperdfromhazzard 46 months ago Similar questions: cats high cat nip Pets.

Catnip is a mild stimulant to cats, and its effect may range from wild exhilaration to disinterest... ... depending on the age of the cat. Catnip is a perennial herb belonging to the mint family. The plant is a weed-like mint that is now native in North America and Canada after being introduced from its native Mediterranean soil.

The active ingredient in catnip is called Nepetalactone. The response to this chemical is mediated through the olfactory system that cats have a special receptor for. This chemical is thought to minic the effects of a pheromone to cause a variety of behaviors.

When cats smell catnip they exhibit a range of behaviors that may include sniffing, licking and chewing the plant, head shaking, chin and cheek rubbing, head rolling, and body rubbing. Other cats appear to become very sedate after exposure. This psychosexual reaction lasts for 5-15 minutes and cannot be evoked again for an hour or more after exposure.

Very young and senior cats do not respond as much, or at all, to catnip. Also, 10-30% of the cat population does not respond to catnip at all, at any age. This is due to genetics -- reactions to catnip are hereditary.

Some cats are genetically "programmed" to respond to catnip, some aren't. Catnip is completely nontoxic to cats. If a large quantity of fresh catnip is consumed, you may see some vomiting or diarrhea, but this is rare and self-limiting.

If your cat does experience this, limit or withhold catnip. In a nutshell ... it's more of a sexual response than a "high". Actually, catnip (its biological name is 'nepeta cataria') has been used as a tranquilizer or sedative for humans for centuries.It also has been prescribed for respiratory conditions, as an aid to digestion, and for such disparate conditions as menstrual cramps and toothache, by ancient and modern herbalists.

Sources: curiouskitty's Recommendations It's not an addiction if have enough cat nip Mug (Your Choice of Colors) Cat-Nip Herb w/Al 1oz. Amazon List Price: $11.50 Cat Nips: The Comprehensive Cookbook for the Culinary-Minded Cat Amazon List Price: $14.99 Used from: $3.98 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) CFA CAT NIP HOUSE MOUSE Grow Your Own Cat Nip It's not an addiction if have enough cat nip Apron (Various color choices) .

In a way, yes.....but not all cats react From Wikipedia: Catnip and catmints are mainly known for the behavioral effects they have on cats, particularly domestic cats. When cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip, they may roll over it, paw at it, chew it, lick it, leap about and purr, often salivating copiously. Some cats will also growl and meow.

This reaction only lasts for a few minutes before the cat loses interest. It takes up to two hours for the cat to "reset" after which it can come back to the catnip and have the same response as before.7 Young kittens and older cats are less likely to react to catnip. Approximately two thirds of cats are susceptible to the behavioral effects of catnip.

The phenomenon is hereditary; for example, most cats in Australia are not susceptible to catnip, since Australian cats are drawn from a relatively closed genetic pool.8 That it elicits such a response in only some cats—and that it is such a dramatic response—suggests that a genetic element is involved that is enriched in domesticated breeds. Citation needed There is some disagreement about the susceptibility of lions and tigers to catnip. Some claim that all lions and tigers are affected by catnip,9 but others say lions are affected but not tigers.In a recent television documentary released by Animal Planet called Stalking the Jaguar, the scientists on the mission used a form of catnip to attract the elusive Jaguar to a camera point for filming.

Upon attraction, the wild Jaguar reacted in the exact same way domestic cats have to catnip, suggesting further proof of the genetic existence of the susceptibility to catnip outside of domestic felines.8 Catnip contains nepetalactone, a terpene. Nepetalactone can be extracted from catnip using steam distillation.10 Cats detect it through their olfactory epithelium and not through their vomeronasal organ.11 At the olfactory epithelium, the nepetalactone is hypothesized to bind to one or more olfactory receptors where it probably mimicks a cat pheromone, such as the hypothetical feline facial pheromone or the cat urine odorant MMB. Other plants that also have this effect on cats include valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and plants that contain actinidine or dihydroactinidiolide (Smith, 2005).

-------- On a personal note: None of my three cats growing up cared for cat nip. They were indoor/outdoor domestic cats. Currently, I have a strictly indoor cat who goes bonkers for it.

The dry stuff he likes, but in the spring, I keep a plant indoors. The fresh leaves, when crushed, make him go mad. He can smell it when it's three feet above him as I'm crushing it.

Sources: Wiki, personal experience. HaleyBob's Recommendations Cosmic Pet 1 1/3 oz Cup Catnip Amazon List Price: $3.53 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) I keep this brand in a galdware container with a few toys. I get the toys out for him as 'treats'.

I have seen some get ".. others just become completely psychotic My older cat had never been exposed to catnip before and the first time he just kinda climbed up on my lap and flopped down on my chest... he reached up and patted the side of my face as if to say "I LOVE YOU MAN! " and then went to sleep . My other cat went into a psychotic fit and ran around like a maniac for about 2 full minutes , then went in and started a fight with the other cat... but it ended up as a "cleaning session" for both of them.

Maybe the older one not having another cat around the first time had something to do with his reaction... not sure though.

Long ago, cat sitters left my cats alone with Easy Listening on radio ....

Do cats get "high" from cat nip/ Asked by sheperdfromhazzard 50 months ago Similar Questions: cats high cat nip Recent Questions About: cats high cat nip Pets.

Similar Questions: cats high cat nip Recent Questions About: cats high cat nip.

Catnip is a mild stimulant to cats, and its effect may range from wild exhilaration to disinterest... ... depending on the age of the cat. Catnip is a perennial herb belonging to the mint family. The plant is a weed-like mint that is now native in North America and Canada after being introduced from its native Mediterranean soil.

The active ingredient in catnip is called Nepetalactone. The response to this chemical is mediated through the olfactory system that cats have a special receptor for. This chemical is thought to minic the effects of a pheromone to cause a variety of behaviors.

When cats smell catnip they exhibit a range of behaviors that may include sniffing, licking and chewing the plant, head shaking, chin and cheek rubbing, head rolling, and body rubbing. Other cats appear to become very sedate after exposure. This psychosexual reaction lasts for 5-15 minutes and cannot be evoked again for an hour or more after exposure.

Very young and senior cats do not respond as much, or at all, to catnip. Also, 10-30% of the cat population does not respond to catnip at all, at any age. This is due to genetics -- reactions to catnip are hereditary.

Some cats are genetically "programmed" to respond to catnip, some aren't. Catnip is completely nontoxic to cats. If a large quantity of fresh catnip is consumed, you may see some vomiting or diarrhea, but this is rare and self-limiting.

If your cat does experience this, limit or withhold catnip. In a nutshell ... it's more of a sexual response than a "high". Actually, catnip (its biological name is 'nepeta cataria') has been used as a tranquilizer or sedative for humans for centuries.

It also has been prescribed for respiratory conditions, as an aid to digestion, and for such disparate conditions as menstrual cramps and toothache, by ancient and modern herbalists. Sources: curiouskitty's Recommendations It's not an addiction if have enough cat nip Mug (Your Choice of Colors) Cat-Nip Herb w/Al 1oz. Amazon List Price: $11.50 Cat Nips: The Comprehensive Cookbook for the Culinary-Minded Cat Amazon List Price: $14.99 Used from: $3.98 Average Customer Rating: 3.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) CFA CAT NIP HOUSE MOUSE Grow Your Own Cat Nip It's not an addiction if have enough cat nip Apron (Various color choices) .

In a way, yes.....but not all cats react From Wikipedia: Catnip and catmints are mainly known for the behavioral effects they have on cats, particularly domestic cats. When cats sense the bruised leaves or stems of catnip, they may roll over it, paw at it, chew it, lick it, leap about and purr, often salivating copiously. Some cats will also growl and meow.

This reaction only lasts for a few minutes before the cat loses interest. It takes up to two hours for the cat to "reset" after which it can come back to the catnip and have the same response as before.7 Young kittens and older cats are less likely to react to catnip. Approximately two thirds of cats are susceptible to the behavioral effects of catnip.

The phenomenon is hereditary; for example, most cats in Australia are not susceptible to catnip, since Australian cats are drawn from a relatively closed genetic pool.8 That it elicits such a response in only some cats—and that it is such a dramatic response—suggests that a genetic element is involved that is enriched in domesticated breeds. Citation needed There is some disagreement about the susceptibility of lions and tigers to catnip. Some claim that all lions and tigers are affected by catnip,9 but others say lions are affected but not tigers.

In a recent television documentary released by Animal Planet called Stalking the Jaguar, the scientists on the mission used a form of catnip to attract the elusive Jaguar to a camera point for filming. Upon attraction, the wild Jaguar reacted in the exact same way domestic cats have to catnip, suggesting further proof of the genetic existence of the susceptibility to catnip outside of domestic felines.8 Catnip contains nepetalactone, a terpene. Nepetalactone can be extracted from catnip using steam distillation.10 Cats detect it through their olfactory epithelium and not through their vomeronasal organ.11 At the olfactory epithelium, the nepetalactone is hypothesized to bind to one or more olfactory receptors where it probably mimicks a cat pheromone, such as the hypothetical feline facial pheromone or the cat urine odorant MMB.

Other plants that also have this effect on cats include valerian (Valeriana officinalis) and plants that contain actinidine or dihydroactinidiolide (Smith, 2005). -------- On a personal note: None of my three cats growing up cared for cat nip. They were indoor/outdoor domestic cats.

Currently, I have a strictly indoor cat who goes bonkers for it. The dry stuff he likes, but in the spring, I keep a plant indoors. The fresh leaves, when crushed, make him go mad.

He can smell it when it's three feet above him as I'm crushing it. Sources: Wiki, personal experience. HaleyBob's Recommendations Cosmic Pet 1 1/3 oz Cup Catnip Amazon List Price: $3.53 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 4 reviews) I keep this brand in a galdware container with a few toys.

I get the toys out for him as 'treats'.

Our two males do... We have some catnip that was home grown in Oklahoma. I don't know what's so special about it...but when I sprinkle some of it on the floor... Pumpkin and Mr. Baby eat a little...romp through the back to the catnip...roll in it, then they start boxing. These cats are 19 and 20 pounds...and both rear up on their hind legs and actually 'box' with each other.

Their eyes are sort of glazed...they 'fake' fight...then take a long cat nap. Our females...Simba and Patches are much less interested. Patches will eat a little...skittle through the house, throws herself on her back...runs around some more...and go to sleep.

Simba is much more hooken on bleach. Oh how that cat loves the smell of bleach. With so many 'in house' pets...I often wash the floors with a bleach and water solution.

Simba goes nuts...sniffing the floor, rolling...then she gets a mean attitude and swats at everyone else in the cat family. Even our 95 pound Dalmation isn't safe from her Who will? Apron Amazon List Price: $20.99 .

I have seen some get "High"... others just become completely psychotic My older cat had never been exposed to catnip before and the first time he just kinda climbed up on my lap and flopped down on my chest... he reached up and patted the side of my face as if to say "I LOVE YOU MAN! " and then went to sleep . My other cat went into a psychotic fit and ran around like a maniac for about 2 full minutes , then went in and started a fight with the other cat... but it ended up as a "cleaning session" for both of them.

Maybe the older one not having another cat around the first time had something to do with his reaction... not sure though.

Mine does for the first couple of hours when fresh cat nip is given but then it seems to have no effects on her.

" "My cat will NOT hiss or growl but does attack other cats. " "How do you keep your pets from taking ornaments off your Christmas tree (specifically cats)? " "My cat loves to hike in the woods with me, now my other cats are joining us.

Is this pack behavior unusual for cats? " "Why is our new cat peeing on our bed? Could she be doing it because of the other pets?

" "I need help on my cat. I want to know my cats breed but I can't find it. Do you think you can help me?


My cat will NOT hiss or growl but does attack other cats.

My cat loves to hike in the woods with me, now my other cats are joining us. Is this pack behavior unusual for cats?

I need help on my cat. I want to know my cats breed but I can't find it. Do you think you can help me?


I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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