I am going to nominate my Roger Federer page. I've been reluctant to nominate any of my pages as I regard them all as works-in-progress so far. But this is in pretty good shape, and I think it's a great day to celebrate Roger!
I claimed the page, and the main things I've done to it are... - Rewrote the Guide Note from scratch - Updated, added to (and subtracted from! ) the Fast Facts - Most of the content on recent Federer history was written by me - Hand picked some choice links for the Top 7 - Featured Video - new today... to celebrate his record 15 grand slams - Featured Photo - from the French Open - Added useful sections like news and twitter feeds - Got rid of some old junk PS I should mention that as it's a newsworthy subject, sometimes Mahalo guides have updated the page as well. Where their input is good usually I leave it in, though generally I edit it as well.
My first entry! mahalo.com/how-to-install-ram-in-a-laptop How To Install Ram In A Laptop I claimed the page and added / revised a significant amount of content. I used my own knowledge and the help of this question to make changes and hopefully save people the trouble and money of completing this easy task.
I built this page from scratch and I would like to enter, and receive some suggestions on how to improve this page Kancamagus I am open to any ideas of/for improvement. For some reason I'm stuck as to what else to add and you guys are the best critics, so let me have it. Be hyper-critical.
I really want to make this page shine.
How to Remove a Basketball Hoop from the Ground mahalo.com/how-to-remove-a-basketball-ho...
Since there was not a lot of information on the topic out there, I decided to write up an original page about how to do it yourself and who you can call to do the job for you.
I would like to submit my democracy page. I built it from scratch. I believe my page doesn't just provide basic information about the topic but also shows a glimpse into the state democracy is in today and the page also has some commentary on the subject.
I'm going to brag about How to Can Tomatoes. I built it from scratch, thoroughly researched my facts, and followed the guide step by step to make sure it could be followed in sequence. I think its a helpful page that will make sure that people will be able to safely preserve their tomato harvest.
I would like to nominate my Jack Johnson page, because the other page I had, I decided to abandon. I'm still new here, so I'm learning, and even in topics I know a lot about, I can see how it can be overwhelming at first, to manage a topic page that goes into great depth. Eventually I will work up to it and get more comfortable... Until then, I'd like to nominate my Jack Johnson page because I'm pretty happy with how it's come together so far, considering I'm a newbie.
I did not create the page from scratch, but my goal was to organize it in such a way that it's informative but also appealing to the eye. When you first visit the page, you can naturally find info and facts about him on the right, but the amazon cd's featured in the main section bring life to the page, and I think excitement to the topic... if you're a Jack Johnson fan. I'd love a little more critique if you don't mind as well... this is fun!
I am working on building the page to bring some FUN into life. Family fun, general audience rated, from my over 50 years of arts and crafts and volunteer experience. mahalo.com/family-fun.
I'd like to nominate my Cash for Clunkers page: mahalo.com/cash-for-clunkers In the early part of June, I claimed the page, which had five contributors before me. I didn't think much about the page until the money started to roll in a week or so ago. Then I got to work.
Primarily, I cleaned up the grammar, to make it easier to read, and updated the links and the information in Fast Facts, etc. I've added as many sponsored links as the page will allow. I regularly check the related questions on Mahalo to see what people are asking about, and add pertinent information to the page. I also check the Message Board to see if there are suggestions or pieces of information that I can use.
While I've made a lot of progress, I definitely would appreciate any suggestions that can help to increase the revenue. I also have a link to my related Rebates page(mahalo.com/rebates), where I include related Cash-for-Clunkers news and information. Mahalo, where quality is contagious.
Respectfully, Shin.
I'm not nominating because I think I'll win, I'm nominating because I want advice. My pride and joy of the last 3 weeks. The crown jewel of my 4-page collection: My Touch 3g.
I will nominate my Michael Jackson Pagehttp://www.mahalo.com/michael-jackson-inside-of-casket.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.