You'll need to get a flea product that doesn't only kill the adult fleas, but also stops new ones from breeding and eggs from hatching into little monsters. We've got quite a few pets and they go outside a lot. The best product that I've come across is Precor.It is usually concentrated, so you will have to dilute it tons to be safe, but it definitely does a great job.
You'll have to spray it in your house, particularly the carpet if you have any. I also spray some outside near the doors. After that, you will only have to worry about the fleas that hop on to your pets from outside.
They won't be able to breed effectively once they come inside for the most part. Usually a flea collar will work just fine after the Precor has been used. Good luck with the little rascals!
Two words for you...Frontline Spray!
This means he is out in the weeds and tall grass getting fleas jumping on him. He brought them home about 2 years ago and my house was covered! I couldn't even walk through the house with out being being attacked at least 20 times.
We tried everything, baths, collars, store bought remedies, nothing worked. My friend suggested I try frontline spray. I didn't and actually tried more store bought stuff, still nothing.
Finally gave in and ordered this spray and OMG it is fantastic! We soaked them as soon as I got the stuff, it was so cool, you could see the fleas dying right then and there! You don't have to worry about the fleas in the carpet, they will jump on the animals and die as soon as they bite them.
Just remember, vacuum your carpet 2-3 times a day even after you get them under control just for the eggs. Also remember to empty your vacuum cleaner bag, they live in there! Good luck and don't do like me and try something else, order this stuff NOW!Leslie.
The best thing to do is fog and take get the cats a flea dip. You may want to look into purchasing some flea collars or buy some of the liquid you put on their fur . It can be bought at any pet store or even Walmart.
Good luck.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.