How can I block members from answering my questions on Askville?

Similar questions: block members answering questions Askville.

You can't. You can only block people from pm'ing you. And that can be a godsend.

You asked this before - yesterday, I think. The question was removed, for some reason. Which begs the question as to why you would ask it again, as you were already told, by several members, that this is not possible.

If I might say this - and this is based on information that you have shared here about yourself, in your questions. If would seem that you are a dominant personality, and feel the need to run things. You are used to having your every want, need, and desire immediately fulfilled.

That, my friend, is not going to happen here. No one, not me, you, or anyone else, gets to set the rules or direct what happens here. Anyone can ask anything.

Anyone can answer. If you don't like it, you can respond (within the ToS of this site), you can ignore, or you can leave. Sorry, but there it is.

It's been answered. Perhaps you would like another site better. You can't block anyone here from answering a question.

The software writers thought that being able to do that would make some feel unwanted here and they logically need as many as possible to feel included (to make this idea work. ) So that ability was written out of the programming for this site.

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Has anyone had someone on askville to be friend without answering any questions and send you messages....

Bonus Questions. For those Askville members who do not like them, what is it about them that you don't like?

I notice that more and more of us are "answering" Questions via Discussions. Might this signal the "end" of Askville?

Isn't it against the rules for ppl answering questions and getting paid for them on Turk to ask askville and have the.

The software writers thought that being able to do that would make some feel unwanted here and they logically need as many as possible to feel included (to make this idea work.) So that ability was written out of the programming for this site. Danielpauldavis 55 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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