Similar questions: network laptop desktop cable internet connection Liksys Wireless G router WRT54G.
Consumer Electronics > Cell Phones & Accessories.
Fairly easy Your cable modem WAN post is connected to the WAN port on the Linksys. Use a cat5 cable to connect any LAN port on the Linksys to the LAN port on your desktop. Then you need to get a wireless card for your laptop if it doesn't have built-in wireless.
That takes care of hardware and wiring. To get each computer communicating with the internet, your best bet is to follow the Quick Start instructions that came with the Linksys. Make sure that you given each device the same network (SSID) name .
To set up a home network, I will have to assume that you are using XP, since you didn't give enough info. Simply go to Start > My Network Places > Set up a wireless network for a home or small office and follow the wizard. When asked select Workgroup.
The easiest thing to do at the end of the wizard is to simply end the wizard and run it on each PC on your network, making sure you use the same ID.
" "I bought a new laptop. I have a desktop now. I need to hook up a router to get internet for my laptop.
HOW do I do this? " "can you get cell phone signal using wireless internet router signal" "I can get internet hooked up via eathernet cable but not wireless even though my network connection is excellent?" "if I have a usb internet connector...will it get me a better connection if I have a wireless router as well? " "My wireless Internet connection drops every 10-15 minutes.
Linksys WRT54G; cable modem. Help! " "I need to get the network security key on the main computer for the wireless internet connection to work on my laptop..." "How do I connect a wireless laptop with a wireless modem to a wireless router?
The router is a linksys wrt54g Thanks" "I have a desktop and a laptop on wireless connection; now suddenly I can't connect to the network from the desktop--why?" "It has "Local Area Connection-a network cable is unplugged" on my desktop and the cable is connected but no internet.
I bought a new laptop. I have a desktop now. I need to hook up a router to get internet for my laptop.
HOW do I do this?
Can you get cell phone signal using wireless internet router signal.
My wireless Internet connection drops every 10-15 minutes. Linksys WRT54G; cable modem. Help!
I need to get the network security key on the main computer for the wireless internet connection to work on my laptop...
It has "Local Area Connection-a network cable is unplugged" on my desktop and the cable is connected but no internet.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.