I am now Level 3 in "random crap". Is that good? Asked by truff 43 months ago Similar Questions: Level random crap Recent Questions About: Level random crap Amazon > Askville.
Similar Questions: Level random crap Recent Questions About: Level random crap.
Absolutely! It couldn’t be better than that. I am L5 in Random Crap and I am proud of it.
We have somebody who is the KING of Random Crap. You got to be proud of it! Join us to persue your Askville crappy experience... askville.amazon.com/DiscussionBoard.do?r... Random Crap is THE most heated topic on Askville.
Just look at the leaders board. askville.amazon.com/TopicPeople.do?tag=r... FOUR people are in L6 and 15 others are in L5. Random Crap is a part of our Askville identity.
You should definitely be proud!
T's Recommendations Craps Amazon List Price: $9.98 Used from: $0.58 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Electronic Craps IF IT'S NAE SCOTTISH IT'S CRAP! Large Bumper Sticker Your kid may be an honor student But my kid can beat the crap out of yours Bumper Sti Google Map View Larger Map .
1 Well Yeah! It is my dearest askville goal to attain such a high level in such a glorious topic! .
Well Yeah! It is my dearest askville goal to attain such a high level in such a glorious topic!
Truff replied to post #1: 2 thanks. The "3" was highlighted inyellow. I didn't knowif I was in trouble or not!
Thanks. The "3" was highlighted inyellow. I didn't knowif I was in trouble or not!
3 SPLENDID! Random crap is an allegory,a veritable metaphor on life! We salute you!
We bow & genuflect! .
SPLENDID! Random crap is an allegory,a veritable metaphor on life! We salute you!
We bow & genuflect!
Truff replied to post #3: 4 thanks, G;i didn't mean to brag. Just wondering, is there a level 4? .
Thanks, G;i didn't mean to brag. Just wondering, is there a level 4?
It's like Askville tradition . "our"tradition. " "What ever happened to the "Random Crap" Category"" "So, how am I s'posed to get to the next Experience Level of "Random Crap" with this new categorization algorythm?
" "Has "random crap" been eliminated as a topic? " "Anyone affected by 9/11? How do you feel about the Askville Moderator asking (as random crap) for the worst way to die?
" "Monday March 30-- I'll take Askville for $500.00 Alex, What is random crap? " "What does it say about Askville that 'random crap' is now one of the largest topics on the map? " "Does the category 'random crap' still exist?
If so, why can't I edit my trivia question to 'random crap'? If not, why? " "Join me in Congratulating Poppet on reaching her SECOND Level 6 ...in "Random Crap"" "Laughing this morning.
I just reached Level 3 in random crap, what does this say about the way my mind works?
It's like Askville tradition . "our"tradition.
What ever happened to the "Random Crap" Category.
Join me in Congratulating Poppet on reaching her SECOND Level 6 ...in "Random Crap.
Laughing this morning. I just reached Level 3 in random crap, what does this say about the way my mind works?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.