I was baking cookies and used plain flour in them I ran out and only have self rising .I have acookie party to host and?

I was baking cookies and used plain flour in them I ran out and only have self rising . I have acookie party to host and need to know if self rising will work instead Asked by lildee352 12 months ago Similar questions: baking cookies plain flour ran rising acookie party host Food & Drink > Cooking.

Similar questions: baking cookies plain flour ran rising acookie party host.

You could use self-rising flour, but you'd need to omit some of the baking powder. That's going to take some careful measuring and math: if you're using half self-rising flour, omit half the baking powder. Same goes for any other fraction.

The texture will be slightly different, since self-rising flours are usually a bit lower in gluten than all-purpose. But it's close enough for cookies.

I just ran out of all purpose flour, but have self rising flour. I am using the flour for a crust and crumble topping. " "baking cookies can I use all purpose flour instead of bread flour?" "Can I use self-rising flour instead of all-purpose in a cocolate cupcake recipe and omit the baking soda?

" "Can I use self rising flour in place of recipe that calls for all purpose flour, salt and baking soda? " "I know how to make self raising flour by using all purpose flour (plain flour) and baking powder" "I'm making neiman marcus cookies calls for all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt, don't have a/p flour" "I am making banana bread and the recipe calls for all purpose flour and baking soda. Can I use self rising instead?

" "When baking lemon bars can I use self-rising flour instead of all purpose flour? " "If a bread recipe calls for flour, which do you use, plain or self-rising?" "Arrrggghhhh, I've run out of self rising flour. I know I can use all purpose flour (plain flour) and baking powder.

I just ran out of all purpose flour, but have self rising flour. I am using the flour for a crust and crumble topping.

I know how to make self raising flour by using all purpose flour (plain flour) and baking powder.

I'm making neiman marcus cookies calls for all purpose flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt, don't have a/p flour.

I am making banana bread and the recipe calls for all purpose flour and baking soda. Can I use self rising instead?

Arrrggghhhh, I've run out of self rising flour. I know I can use all purpose flour (plain flour) and baking powder.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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