Some clarification about bonus questions from Askville staff. (Not a question, btw. :) See details)?

Some clarification about bonus questions from Askville staff. (Not a question, btw. :) See details) #46 in the discussion here: you, ChristianC(chumpboy).

Asked by Sardis 42 months ago Similar questions: clarification bonus questions Askville staff question btw details Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: clarification bonus questions Askville staff question btw details.

Thanks for a nice information. I think the point is that when you are responding to a BQ you are not responding to a person, you are not engaging in a discussion, you are talking to yourself. This is completely at odds with the concept of community.

If that is the kind of interaction you are looking for, pick up a crossword puzzle. The only way your answer is going to be read is if you appeal, and the vibe I am getting is that most people who answer appeals either automatically upgrade or downgrade them without reading them. The upgrades are by people who either don't get what BQs really are or people who are 'gaming' themselves.

The people who are downgrading are unhappy with the clutter and crap we have had to wade through over the last six months to find reasonable questions. I get what the upgraders are saying about opting out of appeals if they are a nuisance but going back to the idea of community, you can't just opt out of your community because it is going in an unhealthy direction. If you are a member of the community you have to protest what you think as wrong.

I find this situation very interesting because it reflects what happens in society as a whole. Some people protest the ills in our country maybe because they want to make it better, some because they just like to kvetch. This elicits a negative response from some people who resist any criticism or confrontation but also by people who are 'profiting' by those ills.

Instead of an ongoing debate that continues to develop the arguments across the spectrum of opinion, it devolves into threats, sarcasm and and refusing to consider other opinions. This particular discussion has been a great example and I am going to mark it and use it in my Government classes in the fall. Sources: own opinion .

The post in question is given below. This is ChristianC. As a staff memberand manager of the team I've been following this discussion.

You all have made some really good points. First off, I recognize that this is an effort to help with the quality of the site and I appreciate the intent. I also think the feedback that we're getting on Bonus Questions is very helpful.

Believe me, we realize that we have a long way to go with bonus questions. One thing I'd like folks to consider is that they do play a part in "paying the bills" around here so that Askville can continue on (you'd be surprised by how much it takes to run all these servers and pay the staff). However, we also recognize that bonus questions have continued to detract from the Askville experience and that's something we're continuing to work on.

I'll be the first to admit and take responsibility for the fact that we've done a less than stellar job with bonus questions from the standpoint of impact on community. So in short I ask for your patience and your involvement while we try to work this out. If any one would like to share their thoughts on Bonus Questions in private feel free to send me a PM.

I keep all correspondences confidential. As far as voting down answers to appealed bonus question answers, we specifically ask that you do *not* engage in this. That would only add to the problems we're having with trying to help out the community while also making bonus questions work.

Again, we appreciate the intent, but this method will have impact on people who actually do engage in answering bonus questions fairly. We will also be working to clarify guidelines on the bonus questions soon. Thanks,ChristianC Sources: .

1 Thanks for the link. I voted for this question also to make it more visible.

Thanks for the link. I voted for this question also to make it more visible.

2 Thanks for the link, Sardis. I, too, voted on that question and this one. You're a good friend to the community!


Thanks for the link, Sardis. I, too, voted on that question and this one. You're a good friend to the community!

3 Yes, I was happy to find out that Chumpboy was listing on behalf of the management. That's two I've found --codfisher being the other.

Yes, I was happy to find out that Chumpboy was listing on behalf of the management. That's two I've found --codfisher being the other.

Bonus Question Answer Blitz by ONE person makes the Askvillers Questions fall.

Question: If I have Alpha Lab turned off, Why am I still seeing Bonus questions when I click on Askville at the top.

I would like to see the 'askville bonus' topic removed from the bonus questions unless the bonus question is *about.

A question for my democrat friends here in Askville - see details.

These idiot bonus questions: I've just sent feedback to Askville thus.

Question for you....When you come to Askville and ask questions and talk ...are you yourself, your real self or are you.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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