If the victim falsfied the police report, lied about thier name and do not show up for court can a person be convicted?

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I think that would depend on what the crime was, what the police themselves observed, what evidence they have, other witness statements, etc . The victim may be afraid of the person so falsified the report, but if the police have enough on the guy they can still convict. There is a chance the victim could be held in contempt of court.

Too little information to really help much here. You might want to seek legal help.

Thank you for your response. The crime is kidnap in the 2nd degree and domestic violence. The witness wrote a statement saying that this person had tied her up in the police report.

The police officer is the only witness, he untied her. The victim told me that she made up a story and gave a false name on the police report because she had no intention of going to testify and she knew that they would throw the case out. Once she found out that they were holding him for those charges she went and got a notarized statement admitting that she had lied and made up the story about what he did to her; she said he tied her up to stop her from trying to commit suicide.In she has cut two other guys in the past; one just recently.

The defendant's public defender chooses not to use the second statement but is trying to convince defendant to take a plea bargain for 3 years. The victim has left time because she is a 3xfellon running from the law and her motive is assault and battery and identity thief. She will not be back for the trail, and she is not the person whose name is on the police report and notarized statement.

Can he still be convicted? The cheapest lawyer said that it would cost $10,000 just to attend the initial hearing because kidnap holds a life sentence. Could this person be sentence to life in prison from a false statement with no victim?

Pastormary 6 months ago .

He can get an attorney assigned to him free through the court, and I suggest he gets one. This case is messed up, IMO , he can still be convicted, the police office untied her, thats evidence against him, pictures taken of any injuries, his statement taken and put into record. So even without her, there is evidence against him.

Men have been convicted for domestic violence even when the victim does not want to press charges. She probably has warrants out on her, and doesn't want to do jail time. They will catch up with her, she can't hide forever.

She may even get a charge for falsifying a Police report, or hindering. And for the record, I am not an attorney, nor a police office, although I do have both in my family.

Okay, thank you again. Pastormary 6 months ago .

Yes. If the person did the crime, they can be convicted. The actions of the victim do not negate that a crime did occur.

Thank your for your resply. Here is the thing, the charge is kidnap and the person is not guilty of that charge. The person was actually trying to get away from the person safely.

I know this sounds crazy, but every time the victim would get upset with this person she would damage his things. She busted him in the noise and broke his glasses one time. One time she took an industrial jack and beat his SUV truck beyond repair.

Another time she tried to run him over while he was on his motorcycle and hit two other cars park in the parking lot, so this person was trying to get away from victim. He and another person were moving his belonging out of the house when she grabbed a razor. He didn't want to call the police because he knew that she would get in trouble and go back to jail, but it back fired on him.

S reasoning for not reporting her was that she was the mother of his son and that she had went to prison 3 times already for assault and identity thief. He said that a couple of months ago she told got into an argument with a guy and she stabbed him in the cheek, she has also stabbed her daughters father several times. She wrote a statement to the police that the defendant and the other guy who was helping him move his stuff out of the house tied her up and threw her in the tub.

She told me that she wrote a statement, lied in it and put a false name on it and that they aren’t going to do anything but throw it out because she isn’t going to show up in court. Pastormary 6 months ago .

She told me that she wrote a statement, lied in it and put a false name on it and that they aren’t going to do anything but throw it out because she isn’t going to show up in court. Don't bet the farm on that. "She", whoever she is, doesn't know what the court will do.

And her not showing up in court means nothing - if the police and the court decide to pick up the charges, which they can do. Good luck. I think you are going to need it.

This is not going to be the slam dunk you think it is. These two people and their childish game playing has wasted a lot of police and court time. The police don't take too kindly to that.

They might both go to jail, just to teach them a liesson.

Okay, thank you for your time. Pastormary 6 months ago .

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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