If you found out a restaurant you ate at regularly had been infested by rats could you ever eat there again?

To be honest - I would. There are so many things you eat that you don't even realize aren't clean. Even though my mom yells at me relentlessly to "wash your chicken before you cook it" and "you can't eat those grapes without washing them", I never do it.Ever.

My meat goes straight from the package into the pan, my fruit goes from the bag to my mouth. I was told to never eat meat over 5 days old - I've done 8. And you know what?

I've NEVER GOTTEN FOOD POISONING! I rarely even get sick. While my parents have gotten food poisoning from KFC several times, I've eaten the same dinner and never even felt nauseas.

Where am I going with this? Do you know what happens to food in the factory? Anything sitting in a warehouse.. think cans of soda/beer or crates of fruit - are infested with mice and rats.

The mice run all over everything - friends that work produce in grocery stores have even said it's not uncommon to find dead rodents in the crates. A friend worked in a chair deli and said old food is frequently re-label to give it more shelf time, and things are often dropped and put right back on display. Ever been to the grocery store and seen someone drop something and put it back on the shelf?

Then you eat it. There is a grocery store nearby I've walked by a few times and and seen mice inside (at night), but I still buy my food from there, and eat it without washing it. If you do any of those things, you've been eating food thats just as dirty as a restaurant thats infested by rats - and there are likely many other things going on there just as bad - knives are dropped, picked up, and used.

People go from cleaning dishes to mixing the dressing into your cesear salad with their hands. They change the labels on things so they don't have to throw them out. TASTY!

So yes, I'd most likely eat there. It's nothing compared to half the other things that happened. If you've drank soda from a can without washing it...... YOUR LICKING RAT FEET!

Yum. Now, a restaurant near me was putting out milk to attract stray cats, killing them, and serving them as rabbit. THAT is somewhere I wouldn't go.

No. Never. Ever.Again.

This is why I always say, "the less I know, the happier I am". I'm sure the multitude of diners and fast food joints I stop in at have some form of infestation problem. But if the food tastes good and I'm not getting sick, I really don't want to know about it.

Once I DO know, it's over. I can never eat there and feel clean or secure again. Then again, I'm somewhat OCD.

Major anxiety issues, with some fixation on "contamination", especially when it comes to bacteria and germs. I don't care how adorable the rat is, or how well they dance! youtube.com/watch?v=MtWpX9RwrVU.

This, I'm sorry to say, actually has happened to me. We used to go on a semi regular basis to a Chineese restaurant close to us. Whilst the food wasn't amazing it was fine, and the atmosphere and convenient location made it a nice stop for when neither one of us could be bothered cooking.

All that changed however when I was walking past it one day and noticed that it was closed. The health inspectors had put up signs on the front informing us that it wasn't going to open until the rat problem was solved. It also listed 15-20 other issues that the place had.It never re-opened... however shortly afterwards another member of the family took the place over and relaunched it under a new name.

It was months before it looked anything more than empty. I still won't go and eat there, and I consider myself really lucky that I didn't get a really nasty stomach bug.

I wouldn't eat there unless it had new owners or something. The people who own it surely have to know if there was a rat infestation. There would be droppings and food would be gotten into.

I wouldn't eat there because they would just be ignoring the fact that they are there and that isn't sanitary at all.

Honestly, it depends... But most likely I wouldn't because if I would eat there I would constantly have that in the back of my mind. However, if I eat there regularly maybe I know the owner or waiter/tress and could inform myself if its gotten any better.

I probably would, but I might want to see new ownership come in. I probably wouldn't have a problem eating there again for the reasons girlieq3000 mentioned, but I'd insist on seeing a well done song and dance from the new guys as a matter of principle.

If I am in that case, first of all I would take a history of the reporting regarding that hotel. If this is the first time this incident has happened, I would wait for some time, till the hotel management clears the rats from the area. After some time I will look up whether they still have any reporting regarding rats.

Still if any rats exist I would start looking out for another good hotel with a good review from public. These days you could find atleast more than two hotels in a neighbourhood. However, everything depends on the mentality of a person.In my case, everytime I go to that hotel and keep my mouth on the food from that hotel, I will always remember about the rats.

Therefore, I think it is better to start looking for another hotel!

But I would recommend home made foods, because we know what we are putting into the recipe and about the environment we cook! Hope my Answer helps ....

I think I will not go eat there until some time...I will be back after they earned their reputation again.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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