On the TV show "Man vs Food" with Adam Richman has he ever been to your town and ate in a restaurant you know?

Last night his show took place on Long Island and he ate at three places I know of. The battle of eating seven pounds of seafood in an hour was really something. I just found the program last night while channel surfing.

Asked by LouLou 16 months ago Similar questions: TV show Man Food Adam Richman town ate restaurant Entertainment > Television.

Similar questions: TV show Man Food Adam Richman town ate restaurant.

1 He was in San Antonio not all that long ago, and in Springfield, Illinois where I used to live.....I never heard of any of the places he went to! .

He was in San Antonio not all that long ago, and in Springfield, Illinois where I used to live.....I never heard of any of the places he went to!

2 Yep, he has been to Austin. I don't recall the restaurant, but I do recall it was one that anyone living in Austin has been too.

Yep, he has been to Austin. I don't recall the restaurant, but I do recall it was one that anyone living in Austin has been too.

3 No -we have some buffets but no pig out places - but I pray for that guy , they are gonna carry him out with a busted gut one of these days -or a massive heart attack , god forbid.

No -we have some buffets but no pig out places - but I pray for that guy , they are gonna carry him out with a busted gut one of these days -or a massive heart attack , god forbid.

What's the ICKIEST "food" you ever ate from a FAST-FOOD restaurant..?" "The best food I ever ate was__________. Why was it the best? Tell us about it!" "Last food that you ate?

" "Has anyone heard about a New MAN FROM U N C L E television show?

The best food I ever ate was__________. Why was it the best? Tell us about it!

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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