I'll bite. There's a new Avatar trend on Askville...The upside down Askvillers! Is the view better or?

I'll bite. There's a new Avatar trend on Askville...The upside down Askvillers! Is the view better or are you just looking to shake things up a bit?BTW...I TRIED to invert my fishbowl...the water didn't fall out, but I stopped swimming...seemed like a bad idea for me to stop swimming!

;-) Asked by CAK 42 months ago Similar questions: bite Avatar trend Askville upside Askvillers view Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: bite Avatar trend Askville upside Askvillers view.

Okay, I'll admit, I may have played a teensy part... I came back from the Fourth of July, and had been using this avatar: Something about that avatar was SO much fun, I just couldn’t go back to being "Plain Ol’ Goldie"! So I decided to stand on my head, until I came up with another avatar, or got over the 4th, whichever came first. It was kind of fun being upside down, and I also added some music notes to my name at that time.

I encouraged anyone who asked me about it, to join in, and stand on their heads with me. The first response I got was "Oh, no, we don’t want to set the Askville tongues wagging! " like that would ever stop me!

But since then, several people HAVE joined in the fun, and we even put three upside-down body parts together to form an entire upside-down body, on Mighty Cow’s DB, and Askville Here is what it looked like, in case you missed it: Pretty fun, huh? So while I can certainly take no credit for being the first upside-down avatar, I do think I had something to do with it being a trend this week on Askville. It’s made my week.It’s funny, but sometimes it’s the little things that matter most, and having friends here to "play" with is a huge part of my life.

What on earth was I doing last summer without you all? I don’t even like to think about it!.

No fish were harmed in the making of this avatar.... Nope, I didn't spill a drop of water, and I've got some heavy duty Saran Wrap across the goldfish bowl to make sure you don't come splashing out! This is great, that you are now inverted! You will see the world from a whole new perspective!

Can you breath in there, though? I guess I should have punched a few holes in there! Let's see if we still have some of those yummy goldfish flakes for you!

*Poppet*'s Recommendations TetraFin Goldfish Flake - 4.52 lb. Fish Bowl 1 1/4 Gal. Round-Plastic Average Customer Rating: 1.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) Bowl Buddies Goldfish Care Kit Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .

I was a fool for you Well, I have to say, things certainly look different this way. The last time I tried it, it was April Fool’s day, and I was green then. As a result, I got to be Askviller of the Day!

I thought it was an appropriate day for it, so who knows... Note that we now resemble one another, except that you’re in a bowl, and I’m still in the Jurassic period, looking for something to eat. You’ve probably noticed that you never see Ichy with his mouth open, or you would see the hundreds of razor-sharp teeth. The problem is that Ichthyosaurs are air-breathers, and with this orientation, I just keep whacking my head on the bottom.

If I don’t get some air soon, I’m going to pa s s . . Sources: Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,...

2 I just tried to do yours, truffles, and it went into a seizure--but it was upside down! I don't think it liked being upside down! It also tried to bite me.

I just tried to do yours, truffles, and it went into a seizure--but it was upside down! I don't think it liked being upside down! It also tried to bite me.

" "I'm looking for a new profile picture/Avatar to use on Askville.

I would like all Askvillers to comment on this new user of Askville, see the details ......

I'm looking for a new profile picture/Avatar to use on Askville.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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