You bet, it's a timeless classic! And yes, 100 years from now we'll still be watching it on basic cable (ok, maybe not you and me, but our progeny). I have a very young kiddo right now, and when she's old enough I'll be eager to show it to her.
Not only is it a little bit of history, but it also is a delightful fantasy that encourages children to open their imaginations.
I actually have a love-hate relationship with it. I love the imagination it inspires, I love the aforementioned history. I love the songs and the actors.
But I hate the screenplay! Frank L. Baum's original vision for the story was much darker, much more political, and much deeper.
Dorothy was never meant to be so weak. And adult readers were supposed to read the Tin Man, Lion, and Scarecrow as not necessarily literal characters.In this sense, the movie kind of cheapened an otherwise deep and fantastical story until it had the depth of a puddle. A MUCH better adaptation of the story is a recent miniseries from the Sci-Fi channel, "Tin Man".
This version depicts the "Tin Man" as a kingdom cop (called a Tin Man because that's what his badge is made of). The "Lion" is actually a cat-like creature named "Raw" who can see the future. And the "Scarecrow" is a former palace adviser who had his memory modified and knowledge surgically removed at the behest of the "Wicked Witch" - an evil queen who's brought the kingdom under darkness.
"Toto" is what Dorothy called her T-u-t-o-r when she was a little - a wise teacher who could transform into a dog.
But it brings out the child in me! It will continue to live on though, because it takes a mighty cold heart to not wish you were skipping down the yellow brick road. And in my case, dreaming of marrying the Scarecrow.
Had to answer this Q on my favorite movie of all time! Well, I was thinking that if I went back 100 years to 1909 would people enjoy the movie and I concluded with myself that YES they would - absolutely. So, why wouldn't someone from 100 years down the road feel the same way?
So, my answer is YES! Reason: The bottom line in this movie is that 'there's no place like home' and nothing is as important as family and we all instinctively feel that about our own little places in the world. It is where we feel the safest and (usually) happiest!
HOME! FAMILY! Click your heels together and repeat: "There's no place like home... there's no place like home".
The Wizard of Oz" is absolutely a classic. Even if the general public has grown bored of it in one hundred years, film students will still study it. It was also the first widely viewed film in color.
The movie had groundbreaking special effects. Including expertly done matte painting and the tornado.
Absolutely and most definitely! This is not only a classic for all adults and children alike who love to watch, but majority of the population knows all to well popular quotes like. "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore" and " I'll get you my pretty...and your little dog too!"
This will be one movie that will entertain generations to come as with another classic, Gone With the Wind.
Absolutely I agree. It is timeless in it's message. The characters that find themselves on the path to the wizard all want something.In the end they learn they had it anyway.
The elusive was not so elusive after all. It was within them all the time and they already possessed what they most desired. Considering the perils they ran into, and the path to the Yellow Brick Road.
In the end, the perils were not insurmountable and the "promise" was not what it promised after all. It will be around for another 100 years and then some.
Yes because of these guys;
Yes, people will always watch it. It has already lasted so many years. I never really wanted to be one of them, but it would be cool to be in a magical land.
Yes of course it is, has been around for 70 years now and 30 more years is not that long to go, this movie has with stood the test of time, obviously if you read the book you will expect something else from the movie but by itself it is a very enjoyable movie and movies are supposed to be fun and take you to a place you cannot go in your ordinary life. There is also a remake with Zooey Deschanel that is a nice little made for TV film, one of the other posters mentions that original vision was darker and there has been debate over that actual meaning, keep in mind the original book was wrote at a time when there depressions about every 20 or so years, a era where many people lost everything and there was no social safety net, Ah the good old days.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.