You people are disgusting. Back in my day, we didn't have to resort to crass profanity to make our point or earn a cheap laugh because we knew how to weave the English language into a rich tapestry of terms that conjured up provocative imagery. That's why I prefer to go with the classics, the tried and true... Firecrotch ftw!
Honest Lohan This quote works :) "I say too much sometimes, but I’m honest, that’s the important thing. " - Lindsay Lohan.
It just popped into my head, and every portin fits her to a T. : "Ego-Lo-maniac.
She doesn't need a name. In jail I believe they call people like this "Fresh Meat" Lets hope she stays in there for long enough to get a nice lady friend, the rest of us have to serve our maximum time for three probation violations, she should too. I somehow doubt she really will though.P.S.I just noticed it says shes on parole?
Is this a type O or has she already gone to prison? I am not up to date on this situation.
The Alcohol Trap. Geddit? Geddit!?
Lo-hand Luke "What we've got here is Failure to communicate. Some women you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week which is the way she wants it, well she gets it. I don't like it, any more than you men."
This chick is wayy tooo messed up..the judge did her a favour by sentencing her to 90 days in prison.
I just have advice for her: Lindsay, Lay-low, Hon! Do your time like a man... and she better do the time, too. Far too many celebs get away with things that the common man/woman NEVER, EVER get a break on.
I believe she deserves this sentence, and, it may be a tad too lenient, considering how many court-ordered obligations she has blatantly shirked. This is sad, that such a very lovely girl, and she behaves like a girl, not a woman, has screwed her life up so much. I hope she turns her like around when she finishes her sentence.
Lindsay the Loser...? (Ouch too harsh! ) Lovely Lindsay the Lackey? Jailbird Lindsay?
I'm not really answering the question, I just want her to go away. She no longer serves any purpose other than to embarrass herself. And I won't begin to start talking about her "Mom of the Century" Dina Lohan who has totally exploited her life.
I'm not sure who's the worse "celebrity" Mom, Dina Lohan or Kate Gosselin. Both have exploited their kids for their own material gain. It's really sad what Hollywood has become.
Are there any truly great actresses anymore? But, just so I officially answer the question: Let's just call her trash. LiLo, you're just a ho, please go.
Tush taster'' would be a cool prison nickname for the silly hollywood wild child.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.