My 1 month old baby has pooped 10 times a day the last couple days is this norlmal? He is breastfed?

He is breastfed. Asked by bebeg 21 months ago Similar questions: month baby pooped 10 times day couple days norlmal breastfed Family.

Similar questions: month baby pooped 10 times day couple days norlmal breastfed.

Your newborn should be nursing eight to 12 times per day for about the first month. If you feel like you're feeding your little one more often than someone you know whose baby is formula fed, you may be. Why?

Because breast milk digests easier than formula, which means it moves through your baby's digestive system faster and, therefore, makes your baby hungry more often. Frequent feedings also will help stimulate your milk production during the first few weeks.By 1 to 2 months of age, a breastfed baby will probably nurse seven to nine times a day. Before your milk supply is established, breastfeeding should be "on demand" (when your baby is hungry), which is generally every 1½ to 3 hours.

As newborns get older, they'll need to nurse less frequently, and may develop a more reliable schedule. Some may feed every hour and a half, whereas others may go 2 or 3 hours between feedings. Newborns should not go more than about 4 hours without feeding, even overnight.

Are feeding intervals counted from the time my baby starts or stops nursing? You count the length between feedings from the time when your baby begins to nurse — rather than when he or she ends — to when your little one starts nursing again. In other words, when your doctor asks how often your baby is feeding, you can say "about every 2 hours" if your first feeding started at 6 a.m.

And the next feeding was at around 8 a.m. , then 10 a.m. , and so on.

This means that, especially at first, you may feel like you're nursing around the clock, which is completely normal. Soon enough, you'll both be on a more routine, predictable schedule. Sources: .

If your baby is breastfed expect a lot of poop, at least in the beginning Babies that poop a lotIf your baby is breastfed expect a lot of poop, at least in the beginning. Breastfed babies often have a bowel movement after every feeding for the first few weeks. If your baby is breastfeeding, he may go after every feeding or he may go several times a day.

Don’t be alarmed by this. If it is runny and seedy that is perfectly normal for a breastfed baby. A lot of new moms mistake breastfed stools for diarrhea.

If your baby is a formula-fed baby, he will poop a lot in the beginning too. Formula-fed babies do not have as many bowel movements, generally, as breastfed babies but you can expect four or five poops a day in the first few weeks. Babies that don’t poop for several daysOnce your baby is about one month old, he may start having fewer bowel movements.

If your baby is breastfed, he may go several days to a week without having a bowel movement. This is nothing to worry about. Exclusively breastfed babies rarely have problems with constipation.

If he goes longer than a week, he seems to be in pain, or if you are concerned, call your pediatrician. Formula-fed babies poops slow down at about a month as well. However, formula is more likely to cause constipation than breast milk.

Most formula fed babies will have about one bowel movement a day. Stools should be soft. If you notice your baby’s stools are firm or hard and pellet-like, he may be constipated.

If your baby goes longer than two or three days without a bowel movement and he is formula fed, you should give your pediatrician a call. Sources: .

Yes, a 1 month old baby pooping 10 times a day is normal. You don't need to take tension. Baby Poop Questions... AnsweredBaby poop questions are very common among new parent.

Too much, too little, wrong color, too hard, too loose...Below you'll find all the baby poop questions answered here at Easy Baby Life's Help Line. As you will see, you are not the only one worrying about your baby's bowel movements. By browsing the questions and answers below, you'll find out what's normal and not as well as how to deal with both baby contipation and too loose stools.

You can ask questions or offer your help by posting comments at each question below, but if you don't find your answer, you'll have to use the form at this page to submit your question. Hope you'll find the help you need! Baby Poop Questions Asked - And AnsweredClick below to read answers and comments to all baby poop questions.

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He is breastfed Breastfeeding is the feeding of an infant or young child with breast milk directly from female human breasts (i.e. , via lactation) rather than from a baby bottle or other container. Babies have a sucking reflex that enables them to suck and swallow milk.

Most mothers can breastfeed for six months or more, without the addition of infant formula or solid food. Human breast milk is the healthiest form of milk for human babies.1 There are few exceptions, such as when the mother is taking certain drugs or is infected with tuberculosis or HIV. Breastfeeding promotes health, helps to prevent disease and reduces health care and feeding costs.2 Artificial feeding is associated with more deaths from diarrhea in infants in both developing and developed countries.3 Experts agree that breastfeeding is beneficial, but may disagree about the length of breastfeeding that is most beneficial, and about the risks of using artificial formulas.456Emphasizing the value of breastfeeding for both mothers and children, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) both recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then supplemented breastfeeding for at least one year and up to two years or more.78 While recognizing the superiority of breastfeeding, regulating authorities also work to minimize the risks of artificial feeding.5The acceptability of breastfeeding in public varies by culture and country.

In Western culture, though most approve of breastfeeding, some mothers may be reluctant to do so out of fear of public opinion. Sources: .

The 411 on Baby Poop - Infant Bowel Movements Hope this information will help you somewhat ::The 411 on Baby Poop - Infant Bowel MovementsYou wouldn’t think there was that much interest in baby poo, but it seems new moms and experienced moms alike want to know more about baby poop. Your baby’s first bowel movement will be black or greenish black and look like tar. It will be really sticky too.

This is called meconium. Your baby’s first poop - meconiumDuring your pregnancy your baby’s digestive system starts to work by swallowing amniotic fluid. Meconium, which is made up of amniotic fluid, bile, and shed skin cells, begins to collect in your baby’s intestines while he is in your womb.

When your baby has his first bowel movement, he will empty the meconium that has been collecting. Most babies start to pass meconium within 12 hours of their birth. Not passing meconium during the first 24 hours can be a sign of a complication such as an intestinal obstruction.

Occasionally, babies have their first bowel movement in utero. This can happen if baby is in distress. Furthermore, passing meconium into the amniotic fluid can cause a complication known as meconium aspiration syndrome.

The first month of baby poops - what to expectOnce your baby passes the meconium out of his system, his poop will begin to change colors. If you are breastfeeding, your baby’s stools will be mustard colored, seedy, and runny. If you are formula feeding, they will be tan colored and soft.

Formula-fed babies’ stools are firmer than breastfed babies but they should not be any firmer than a peanut butter consistency. Some moms say that a breastfed baby’s poop doesn’t stink. It has a distinct smell that some describe as sweet but it still has an odor.

Babies that poop a lotIf your baby is breastfed expect a lot of poop, at least in the beginning. Breastfed babies often have a bowel movement after every feeding for the first few weeks. If your baby is breastfeeding, he may go after every feeding or he may go several times a day.

Don’t be alarmed by this. If it is runny and seedy that is perfectly normal for a breastfed baby. A lot of new moms mistake breastfed stools for diarrhea.

If your baby is a formula-fed baby, he will poop a lot in the beginning too. Formula-fed babies do not have as many bowel movements, generally, as breastfed babies but you can expect four or five poops a day in the first few weeks. Babies that don’t poop for several daysOnce your baby is about one month old, he may start having fewer bowel movements.

If your baby is breastfed, he may go several days to a week without having a bowel movement. This is nothing to worry about. Exclusively breastfed babies rarely have problems with constipation.

If he goes longer than a week, he seems to be in pain, or if you are concerned, call your pediatrician. Formula-fed babies poops slow down at about a month as well. However, formula is more likely to cause constipation than breast milk.

Most formula fed babies will have about one bowel movement a day. Stools should be soft. If you notice your baby’s stools are firm or hard and pellet-like, he may be constipated.

If your baby goes longer than two or three days without a bowel movement and he is formula fed, you should give your pediatrician a call. Babies that grunt and cry when they poopIf your baby does a lot of grunting when he poops don’t worry. This is normal.

Babies sometimes grunt, cry or turn red when they have a bowel movement. This is nothing to worry about. A lot of new parents mistake this grunting for straining and constipation.

Once your baby gets used to his bodily functions and how they feel, he won’t be as vocal about having them. Green PoopEvery now and then the notorious green poop may show up in your baby’s diaper. You may take a look at it and ask yourself “how’d that get there?”

There are many different causes for green poop. More than likely, if your baby has green poop, it’s nothing to worry about, but here are a few possibilities. Iron-fortified formula - Some formula-fed babies will develop a case of green poop from the iron in the formula they are taking.As long as your baby is happy and not having any problems with constipation, there is nothing to worry about.

Jaundice - A baby that has jaundice may have dark or greenish colored stools. This normally goes away once baby is off of the bilirubin lights. Dairy Sensitivity - Some breastfed babies are very sensitive to certain foods in their mom’s diet.

If your baby is having problems with green mucousy stools, blood in his stools, spitting up a lot, or a skin rash, he may be sensitive to something in your diet. Dairy products are one of the most common causes of food allergies in babies. If you think this might be the problem, try eliminating milk and dairy products from your diet.

It may take a couple weeks to see results from a dairy elimination diet. You should see improvement in a week or two. If you’re not sure, you can always try it out for a ..................... Sources: .

My 2 month old baby poops more than 7 times a day, he's breastfed and given formula. Should I worry? " "my 4 month baby is 10 pounds and was born 7.15 pounds and still drinks only 3 ounces of milk per feed 5 times a day." "my 5 month old baby pooped 7 times a day it normal?

" "My one month old baby boy hasn't pooped in over 24 hours, and when he does poop the amounts are this ok? " "My two months old baby boy has not pooped almost three days,is this normal?" "my formula fed baby went from pooping alot 2-3 times a day and now the past few days hes been pooping a little 10 or mor" "I just started weaning my 10 month old and I have not breastfed him for the last 2 weeks and my left breast is smaller. " "When should I start feeding my breastfed six month old baby food and what kind is best?

" "how many times a day do I feed a 6 month old baby?

My 2 month old baby poops more than 7 times a day, he's breastfed and given formula. Should I worry?

My 4 month baby is 10 pounds and was born 7.15 pounds and still drinks only 3 ounces of milk per feed 5 times a day.

My formula fed baby went from pooping alot 2-3 times a day and now the past few days hes been pooping a little 10 or mor.

I just started weaning my 10 month old and I have not breastfed him for the last 2 weeks and my left breast is smaller.

He is breastfed. Asked by bebeg 22 months ago Similar questions: month baby pooped 10 times day couple days norlmal breastfed Family.

I just started weaning my 10 month old and I have not breastfed him for the last 2 weeks and my left breast is smaller. " "my 2 month old baby poops more than 7 times a day, he's breastfed and given formula. Should I worry?" "how many times a day should a month old baby poop" "my 4 month baby is 10 pounds and was born 7.15 pounds and still drinks only 3 ounces of milk per feed 5 times a day.

" "My two months old baby boy has not pooped almost three days,is this normal? " "what is an average schudule for a two month old breastfed baby?" "how many times a day should a four month old baby poop a day? " "my formula fed baby went from pooping alot 2-3 times a day and now the past few days hes been pooping a little 10 or mor" "my 5 month old baby pooped 7 times a day it normal?

" "how many times a day do I feed a 6 month old baby?

How many times a day should a month old baby poop.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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