1. When and why do we need to put sources in our Mahalo answers? Putting sources in your Mahalo answer helps back up the information you have used.
Adding a source to any answer, even an opinion or thought can be useful. Not only can it determine whether or not you get a best answer (which is always nice to receive) it gives readers the chance to dive deeper into the information you have provided, as well as knowing that you have done your research and haven’t just pulled your answer out of a hat. 2.
How do you find credible sources? Credible sources can vary a site that ranks high on Google or even Bing can be deemed a more credible site. Things that are sourced themselves, whether it is from a book or another website.
Websites that seem to be jumbled, tossed together and sound like someone who hasn’t the slightest idea of what they are writing about, may not be the best option, but don’t be afraid to double check with a peer for an opinion on any site you may come across! 3. What makes an online source credible?
I guess I sort of answered this one in question 2, but something that is backed up with sources, ranks high on a search engine, or even has great reviews from credible review websites can suffice. 4. What are your favorite go to places for credible information?
I always use Google, with Google I know the top sites will be given to me as soon as I hit the search button, also being able to narrow things down with the advanced search is a big plus, anything to help sort out the riff raff is great! 5. How do URL suffixes effect credibility?
The suffix effects the credibility to some degree, but I don’t feel it always makes or breaks the deal. Sites such as . Gov, .
Edu and . Org are fantastic, because you know it’s a website with support and is, for the most part, thoroughly put together. However there are many .
Com sites and even some . Net that are just the same. In my opinion when it comes to a .
Com or . Net, double check for sources, where the info is coming from and if the text itself seems to flow, or is choppy. Hope this helps some newbies!
Welcome to Mahalo and remember to be afraid to ask questions!
1. When and why do we need to put sources in our Mahalo answers? Always is good to add sources to your response, even if it is a personal opinion or you quote from different pages where you found credible sources.It is good to know that on Mahalo are not tolerated answers like copy and paste from different sources.
I'm sure that you have imagination and you can do more than just copy the answer from someone else. 2. How do you find credible sources?
Do not throw to the first source that you find. It is good that before you put your answer on Mahalo, to do a research thorough on different sources.3. What makes an online source credible?
A credible source is one that can be confirmed in two or three different places that say the same thing, one that has a good history in this regard.4. What are your favorite go to places for credible information? You can find credible informations on wikipedia.
Com , yahoo. Com , newspapers, blogs that have a high rate of reliability, media.5. How do URL suffixes effect credibility?
The URL suffixes don't affect the credibility of that websites, as long as I can check the credibility of information in several places.
1. When and why do we need to put sources in our Mahalo answers? We always need credible sources, it doesn't matter whether the article is mostly factual or if it is only your opinion, if it needs extra explanation, you definitely want to add credible sources.2.
How do you find credible sources? Credible sources can be found everywhere, but the strongest sources for Mahalo are online sources. This offers instant gratification, this person can go to the source and get additional information "RIGHT NOW".3.
What makes an online source credible? An answer is credible if it answers the question at hand and comes from a credible source. Usually .
Org or . Gov are definitely preferable because you know the government has to give the right answer or the public will complain and the organization has put their name on the line with their information. Not to mention there are legal ramifications for misinformation on those sites.
Websites you trust are also a way to get the best information, if you use them often and their information is accurate, they are the best for you. Try to keep a couple of these in your back pocket in case of a pinch.4. What are your favorite go to places for credible information?
Believe it or not, Youtube is my favorite, because when you want to know how to do something and you watch someone actually doing it step by step, you learn by seeing it done. There is no better proof than that. 5.
How do URL suffixes effect credibility? Again, you know your questions are being answered completely and accurately at sites where their reputation is on the line and there are legal ramifications for giving misinformation, usually these are at sites marked . Gov, .
Edu and .org. Being credible allows people to see your information as valuable, they are also more likely to frequent your work more often which eventually make you very valuable indeed, because your work will be constantly coming up on the search engines.
Reliable internet sources are good in a way, but the fact remains that great creative answers hardly require references that you easily find at Wikipedia. An answer that is overpacked with references never confirms the author's originality. Can we dare advise Camus, Kafka, Sartre, Samuel Becketti, Allen Ginsberg, James Joyce and other immortal authors to give references about their views?
In fact, only mediocre authors need references in their writings.
Sources of an answer is only require for non-expert. For non-expert it is not absolutely necessary. But the references is needed just to assure it.
Link or the source is given when it passed the test in person and declared safe. Be careful of the source URL and make sure there is no executable extensions behind which is usually covered by a long space.
Being credible allows people to see your information as valuable, they are also more likely to frequent your work more often which eventually make you very valuable indeed, because your work will be constantly coming up on the search engines. When and why do we need to put sources in our Mahalo answers? We always need credible sources, it doesn't matter whether the article is mostly factual or if it is only your opinion, if it needs extra explanation, you definitely want to add credible sources.
How do you find credible sources? Credible sources can be found everywhere, but the strongest sources for Mahalo are online sources. This offers instant gratification, this person can go to the source and get additional information "RIGHT NOW".
What makes an online source credible? An answer is credible if it answers the question at hand and comes from a credible source. Usually .org or .
Gov are definitely preferable because you know the government has to give the right answer or the public will complain and the organization has put their name on the line with their information.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.