On a rating of 0-10 how do you rate the following foods/drinks from this list?

Yowee Scooter, if I add them all up, I could have Ramen Noodles the rest of my life. I hope those who can afford those choices at least lick their plates clean. The coffee mentioned above isn't somethin I find appealin as it is taken from the defication of animals who ingest the beans.

The coffee you are talking about is Kopi Luwak, it is a real and valuable commodity which does not belong on this list with pretentious and ridiculous "creations" by over-hyped chefs specializing in conspicuous consumption for super rich fools. Otherwise no, I would never consider any of this rubbish. I am a classically trained professional chef and would be deeply ashamed to put items and prices like these on my menu unless it was a special event for charity.

1) Scrambled eggs- 7 2) Pancakes- 4 3) Cheerios- 9 4) French toast- 10 5) Orange juice- 2 6) Coffee- 0 7) Waffles- 10 8) Bacon- 10 9) Tea- 0 10) Toast with butter- 10 11) Milk- 10 12) Corn muffin- 7.

1) Scrambled Eggs 9 2) Pancakes 8 3) Cheerios 2 4) French Toast 6 5) Orange Juice 8 6) Coffee 10 7) Waffles 9 8) Bacon 8 9) Tea 5 10) Toast with Butter 9 11) Milk 3 12) Corn Muffin. 0.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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