Simple Baseball survey. Which from this list would you like to see in person?

A) & D) A) I was at a ballgame once and this drunk guy was standing up, and blocking my veiw of the field, cursing the players, flipping off the umps, and it took the usher close to 30 minutes before he said anything to him and his buddies. C) Geez man, why'd you come if you weren't even going to watch the game. D) Babies cry, and their parents don't know what to do, and it's sad, but they need to take care of their child.

It drives me insane when people have real little kids during really hot games, they cry, and their parents don't do much about it. Kids under 2 can't really stay in their seats, one little girl keeped getting up and touching my hair during one ballgame, and her dad didn't say much to her, except "Franny, sit down.." then after a few minutes she'd get up again. Not all babies and little kids are like that, but if the parents can't keep them under control and in their seats, they don't need to bring them to the ball game.

G) When fans know nothing about the game at all. Nothing about the players, nothing about the rules or anything. Last time I went to a game, some "fans" behind me were talking and they were shocked that it was Bobby Cox's last season, "Honey, did you know it's Cox's last year?" "No way!

Since when?" I wanted to turn around and ask them where they've been the past year. And this was on July 2nd, so the news about his retirement had been common knowledge for close to a year.

I swear, there are people who come to Turner Field to watch the game, just to say they got to see the Braves play when they were in first place. The know nothing about any of the players except Bobby Cox and Chipper Jones. They know nothing about the Braves except they're in first place, and the fans sitting behind me didn't even know that.

"Oh my gosh, Atlanta's in first place? Who knew?

All of them would irritate me. For me, A and D are kind of similar. Parents who don't tend to their kids are just... terrible parents, and drunk/rowdy fans make the game worse for everyone attending, especially for kids who have to deal with such garbage.

B would irritate me mainly because those people in those seats would probably be rich, spoiled people or something. I've seen that a lot. It also reminds me of something that Matthew Berry (fantasy sports analyst for ESPN) wrote about while attending a Yankees game: he was near the first row with his father-in-law and they got a foul ball.

He gave it to his father-in-law, but a bunch of spoiled kids were like, " give us the ball. " and cursed him out when he refused to give the ball up. So it's not exactly the same situation as B, but spoiled people irritate me, especially if they don't know anything about the event that they're attending.

C irritates me because people shouldn't be on the cellphone so much during a game. You paid good money to get that seat, so enjoy the game! You can chat on your cellphone as much as you want after the game.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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