I think curly hair is sexier. Perhaps it is because I have straight thin hair myself. I am jealous of women with curls.
I use a curling iron on myself, but it is just not the same. Usually with curly hair comes fullness. I think nothing is prettier than ringlets or long flowing natural curly hair.
As for what men prefer, I think it depends. I know some guys who do love to be able to run their fingers through it. On the other hand, most guys I know love thick long hair.
So, more often than not, again that would be the curls. We all want what we don't have. Maybe some men will chime in here and give their two cents!
Men have different preference, some may find curly hair sexy while others find straight hair very attractive. If I were you I'll keep my natural curls since it's bouncier, eye-catching and it's different.
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