There are several natural remedies for hypertension. Garlic is excellent not only for lowering blood pressure, but also good for lowering cholesterol and thrombosis. Potatoes also have properties which help in lowering blood pressure.
One teaspoon of Cayenne pepper mixed with four ounces of warm water is known to be effective. Drink it as often as needed. Fresh papaya, watermelon and lemon are some of the fruits that help in lowering blood pressure.
Another mixture you can take, if you can stand the flavor, is half onion juice and half honey. Take two tablespoons at a time up to twice daily. Walking barefoot in the grass improves circulation, which helps maintain blood pressure.
Also shown to be beneficial is a hot foot and leg bath for around ten minutes.
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is really nothing to ignore. One out of every four people has hypertension and it can cause strokes and heart attacks. However, a lot of people don't seek medical care because there are few symptoms.
Before she tries to treat herself, she should talk to her doctor about her plans. There are some things that she can do to help lower her blood pressure. *Reduce salt use *Minimize alcohol consumption *Avoid MSG (Monosodium Glutamate).
MSG often used in prepared meals to add flavor. MSG is also used in Corn Oil. *Eat fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables *Increase potassium by eating cantaloupe, spinach, or bananas.
If your sister watches her diet, she could possibly get her blood pressure under control. Salt or sodium is a huge factor for some people, and it's everywhere. The average person only needs from 1500 to 2400 mg of sodium daily.
She will need to become more aware of the additives used in some products. She should eat fresh meats, vegetables, and fruits. Canned food contains a lot of salt.
She should rinse those foods thoroughly to remove some of the salt. She can replace salt with herbs and spices to enhance the taste of food. There are also a number of products available that are salt-free seasonings.
Sea salt is no less problematic than regular table salt. Both should be avoided. *Stress is thought to be a contributor to high blood pressure.
Relaxation programs are recommended. Yoga, TM, or other stress reduction exercises are beneficial. *Garlic is thought to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Eating up to 4 garlic cloves per day or taking a garlic supplement according to package directions is recommended. *Drinking 8 to 10 ounces per day of 100% natural grape juice, preferably concord grape juice is suggested. *Increased Vitamin C can result in a drop in her blood pressure.
Other foods recommended are: celery, black walnuts, and yogurt. If your sister does decide to take the medication, it's found that grapefruit juice may interfere with the medication's effectiveness.
You were right about doing some exercise and not sitting around reading novels. Exercise is one of the ways she can keep her body fit and lower her high blood pressure. Other natural cures for a high blood pressure include: *Garlic: is the number one natural remedy used to cure high blood pressure (hypertension).
Garlic helps to reduce most of the symptoms of high blood pressure and should be taken raw for fast results. *Lemon: is another effective natural remedy for curing high blood pressure. The juice and the peel are both used for this purpose.
Daily intake of freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed in water helps to strengthen the blood capillary and lower blood pressure. *Watermelon: helps to cure high blood pressure if the seeds are roasted and eaten on a daily basis. You can dry the seeds, roast them and store in a container.
*Vegetable juice: is a healthy drink that goes a long way in lowering blood pressure. A combination of freshly extracted spinach juice and carrot juice will help cure high blood pressure. *A healthy diet: is one of the best remedy for curing high blood pleasure.
People with a high blood pressure are usually advised to watch what they eat. So your sister has to take more healthy food, and do away with excess salt, sugar and alcohol.
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