All dogs are pretty smart, but Border Collies, Poodles and German Shepherds are usually at the top of the list. (I don't recall ever seeing Jack Russels on a top 10 list of smart dog breeds). Some dogs, like people, just have different kinds of smarts.
Some dog breeds are just more independent-minded and may understand what their owner wants them to do, but would rather do their own thing. Hunting dogs would rather be following a scent trail than anything else and it can be difficult to distract them from their mission. Herding dogs are often trained to work on their own, without constant direction from their master.
Some dogs are eager to learn simple tricks for you and some are bored to death with them. The breed's general characteristics are something you need to consider carefully before choosing a dog. I've read that Jack Russels have high intelligence but I've never had any personal experience with them.
I would imagine that, like most terrier breeds, they can be a bit hyperactive and independent. But if you want a dog who will catch rodents, he's your dog!
The smartest dog breed is the boarder collie . . .
Jack russel is in the top ten I think.
Australian Shepherds are called the computer geek of dogs. They are very bright one of the smartest. When they have nothing to do they invent games.
They learn basic commands and excel at agility training.
I believe the german sheperds,or golden retreivers.
The Border Collie is concidered to be the most intelligent of the dog breeds, rightly so. These dogs are amazing in their ability to think for themselves, solve problems and get the job done. They are also concidered by many top trainers to be the easiest breed to train.
Often times showing a border Collie how to perform a certain task once ot twice is all it takes for the dog to learn to do that task on command. Although the Border Collie is bred to be a working dog they, due to this very nature, are quite suitable to all forms of taskes including, service dogs, sports dogs, sled dogs, just about anything a dog is used for you will find Border Collies doing the job. Theres a reason the Border Collie is the breed most used in video advetisement, as well as many feature films, their natural born actors and love to show off their talents.
I have personally been breeding, training and working Border Collies for many years and I am always amazed by thier intelligence. IMG
If you don't give a Border Collie a job to do I guarantee that the Border Collie will invent a job of their own, and it might be an undesirable activity. So unless you have time ( imo a minimum of 2 to 3 hours) to interact and work with a Border Collie on a daily basis, I would not reccomend this breed as a pet. They are constantly thinking and you better be keeping up with them or you will find that the Border Collie will train you.
They also have blazing speed when they need it. To watch a well trained Border Collie work livestock is like a cross between poetry and a ballet, a joy to watch. Its very common to hear people say that Border Collies are hyper dogs, well this is a myth, the Border Collie was bred over hundreds of years to work sheep,a well bred Border Collie will work and play hard but it will also settle right down and be perfectly comfortable relaxing around the house too.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.