For American Chinese, I'd say Mu Shu anything is my favorite. It's shredded pork (or other meat/fish/poultry), cabbage, bean sprouts, scrambled eggs, woodear mushrooms and garlic with a savory sauce of rice wine, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil and other flavorings.It's served in crepes with plum, oyster, or duck sauce. Kind of like Chinese burritos.
The one thing I love when I go to a Chinese place is bourbon chicken. It is sweet and savory and it is to die for. I know people say Chinese food is bad and its supposed to be spicy.
But they make the best bourbon chicken and its so sweet. You should definitely try some!
I am a big fan of the shrimp with lobster sauce. Anytime I go to a new chinese place I get that first. If thats not good I don't order from there anymore.
I am a big fan of the sweet dishes as well as the spicy dishes. If I can pick one dish to get at an American Chinese restaurant, I would get lemon chicken or orange chicken. If I got two, I would get szechuan chicken.
Anything Hunan or spicy! Generals Tsao's chicken is always a good choice!
For American Chinese, I'd say Mu Shu anything is my favorite. It's shredded pork (or other meat/fish/poultry), cabbage, bean sprouts, scrambled eggs, woodear mushrooms and garlic with a savory sauce of rice wine, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil and other flavorings. It's served in crepes with plum, oyster, or duck sauce.
Kind of like Chinese burritos. As for authentic Chinese, it's still pretty rare in the U.S. One thing I remember eating in a college town where one of the restaurants had been reviewed in the Singapore food magazine was a black soybean appetizer. It was black soybeans in a clear, piquant sauce that certainly had rice wine vinegar in it, but I don't know what else.
It was excellent, and I'd have gladly made a whole meal of it.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.