Easy Fried Eggplant Recipe (credit goes to the original author) ------------------------------------- This is an easy French Recipe. Had tried it and tasted delicious. Aubergines frits ----------------------
Place the flour or corn starch in a bowl. In another bowl, beat the eggs with the pepper. Place the bread crumbs in a third bowl.
Dredge the eggplant slices in the flour or corn starch, turning several times to coat thoroughly. Shake off any excess. It's a little less messy if you coat all of the eggplant slices with the flour or corn starch before moving on to the next step.
Now dip each piece of eggplant in the egg. Once again, it is a little less messy if you do all of the slices before moving on. Dip each piece of eggplant in the bread crumbs, turning several times and ensuring that the eggplant is completely covered with crumbs.
You can place all of the coated slices on a plate and store in the refrigerator until you are ready to fry. Pour 1/2 inch of oil into a large, sturdy frying pan and heat it to about 375°F. Carefully, place as many eggplant slices as will fit without crowding into the hot oil.
Fry for two minutes on each side, turning carefully with a pair of metal tongs. Remove slices with the tongs and drain on paper towel to absorb some of the grease. Place the fried slices on an oven proof serving dish and keep them in a warm oven (350° F) while you fry the rest.
Sprinkle with the finishing salt and eat hot.
Fried eggplant has a wonderful, silky texture and the turmeric enhances its golden colour. This is an oily dish but works well with the beef curry and sweet potato salad as they don't have a lot of oil. Curry leaves can be used fresh or dried but are more readily available dried from spice shops and selected food stores.
~Ingredients~ -2 medium eggplants, cut into 2cm cubes -Salt -1/2 tsp celery seeds -100ml olive oil -1 medium brown onion, roughly chopped -2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely sliced -2 small red chilli, finely sliced -1 tbsp turmeric powder -5 dried or fresh curry leaves -Sea salt -Freshly ground white pepper -Vegetable oil ~Method~ Toss eggplant cubes in plenty of salt and leave to purge for 30-60 minutes. Heat oven to 180C and toast celery seeds for 5 mins then cool. Or dry-fry seeds in a frypan until fragrant.
Meanwhile heat olive oil in a heavy-based saucepan. Add onions, garlic, chilli, turmeric, celery seeds, salt and pepper and cook over a medium heat until onions are soft and spices fragrant (approx 25 minutes). Rinse salt from eggplant and pat dry with paper towel.
Take a medium-sized saucepan and fill one-third deep with vegetable oil. Heat the oil to high. Deepfry eggplant in batches so the oil doesn't overflow.
Fry to a deep golden brown then place on some paper towel until all the eggplant is fried. Stir eggplant through onion mix, removing curry leaves before serving. Serves 4.
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