These are some vitamins and supplement that can be given to dogs. It is better to get a prescription fron the vet so that you would know the adequate dosage to administer. Vitamin B12: This vitamin helps improve a dog’s appetite.
Dosage should be as low as possible and prescription must br followed. Vitamin C: This vitamin in very effective in many ways. It helps dogs fight off infections and maintain their immune system.
It is also helpful in keeping the dog's skin beautiful; Moderate doses are approximately 250 mg to 500mg twice daily for the average dog. Vitamin E :This vitamin helps to maintain good footpads and acts as a mild anti-inflammatory. Glucosamine and chondroitin: These supplement if used together has a great value to the health of a dog.
The following vitamins are important for a dog. When buying food for your dog, be sure that it contain all these vitamins. * Vitamin A * Vitamin B (Complex) * Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) * Vitamin B3 (Niacin) * Vitamin B5 * Vitamin B6 * Vitamin B12 * Vitamin C * Vitamin E Source:
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