What's a good book about Spanish colonization of Peru?

I know about a classic by William Prescott, which seems to be quite good but at the same time, quite dense and long. Asked by newbie193875 61 months ago Similar questions: book Spanish colonization Peru Society > story.

Similar questions: book Spanish colonization Peru.

Try this book by James Lockhart Spanish Peru, 1532-1560: A Social storyJames Lockhart When Spanish Peru, 1532–1560 was published in 1968, it was acclaimed as an innovative study of the early Spanish presence in Peru. It has since become a classic of the literature in Spanish American social history, important in helping to introduce career-pattern history to the field and notable for its broad yet intimate picture of the functioning of an entire society. In this second edition, James Lockhart provides a new conclusion and preface, updated terminology, and additional footnotes.

Praise for the first edition of Spanish Peru:"Distinguished . . .

A major contribution. . .. Lockhart has ingeniously pulled together a large mass of data to help develop a totally new picture of Peruvian society in its formative stages.

He has also given new insights into the nature of Spanish colonization in the New World and provided a model study for future research in other areas of the Spanish empire in America."—John J. TePaske, spanic American storical Review"A brilliant achievement. ... Into these excellent general surveys Lockhart has introduced a rich detail of specific case histories to point out the particular and the general trends as expressed through the lives of individuals.

The result .. . Is a major breakthrough in American colonial society studies. "—Herbert Klein, Journal of Social story"A provocative and brilliant contribution." —Woodrow Borah, Manuscripta"Fully documented and excellently synthesized, it is social history with major economic implications.

Standing alongside and complementing what has been written on the military, administrative, church, and intellectual aspects of the early history of the colony, it fills an imperative need. The first comprehensive study of Peruvian civil society in the first decades of colonization, it is replete with new information, ideas, and interpretations."—Robert S. Chamberlain, New Mexico storical Review"An outstanding analysis .. .

A significant contribution, admirably documented and fascinatingly written, that will do much to make readers aware of the social context in which the conquerors of Peru, their ideas, and their institutions had to function."—Raymond E. Crist, Americas******************And this one is a little broader, but may work well for you, too:Colonial Latin America (Paperback)by Mark A. Burkholder, Lyman L.

Johnson Review"Without question the best survey text of Latin American history--either colonial or national period--that has ever been written. "--James Schofield Saeger, Lehigh University"Expanded coverage of colonial social hierarchies and the family, along with a well-integrated and sensitive focus on gender, complement the lively treatment of economics, politics and popular culture that distinguished earlier editions. The fifth edition thus continues to be a mandatory read for undergraduate students and anyone interested in the story of how Spanish and Portuguese rule transformed the region."--Bianca Premo, Emory University"The most comprehensive introduction to Latin American history.

... No other text available is as thorough in its approach to the three centuries of development within two distinct and separate empires. "--Christon I. Archer, The University of Calgary"A well-written, engaging text that does a fine job of linking individual experience to broader themes and analysis.. .

The book keeps getting better and better. "--Ward Stavig, University of South Floridahttp://www.amazon.com/Colonial-Latin-America-Mark-Burkholder/dp/0195156854/ref=pd_sim_b_1/102-0623691-0552123 Sources: http://www.amazon.com/Spanish-Peru-1532-1560-Social-story/dp/0299141640/sr=8-2/qid=1165565062/ref=sr_1_2/102-0623691-0552123?ie=UTF8&s=books .

Spanish colonization of Peru should be studied in the context of Spanish colonization of America My Latin American story professor recommended Prescott´s "story of the Conquest of Mexico" & "story of the Conquest of Peru", but he told us that Spanish colonization of Peru and Mexico should first be studied in the context of Spanish colonization of America. That is the reason why he recommended us to read first "The Spanish seaborne empire", an excellent book by J. H. Parry.In his book, Parry explains how the "Americas" were colonized by Spain, and what happened in the "New World" from the XVth to the XIXth century.

The task is difficult, but he pulls it off incredibly well. The reader learns, but also enjoys reading "The Spanish Seaborne Empire", probably because J.H.Parry manages to make histoy appealing. The book includes several illustrations and maps, and it is organized in five parts.

Part I is about "The establishment of Empire", and part II deals with "The responsibilities of Empire" (for example, the spreading of the faith and law enforcement). Part III talks about "The cost of Empire" (demographic catastrophe, economic dependence, etc...), and part IV discusses "The endurance of Empire" (specially its growth and consequent need of reorganisation). Finally, part IV considers "The desintegration of Empire".

The author wraps up the book nicely with a conclusion titled "The aftermath of Empire". On the whole, I think you should read his book first, because you have to understand Spanish colonization in general before you can realize what made Spanish colonization of Peru different (and by the way, this book gives you some good pointers about that). I hope that helped.

Good luck! Bel_78 bel_78's Recommendations The Spanish Seaborne Empire Amazon List Price: $24.95 Used from: $4.24 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 1 reviews) .

" "good book on history of malta" "where can I find an audio book that teaches Spanish?" "What's the best book on American " "I need to find a book on the history of archangels.

I need to find a book on the history of archangels.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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