The E-trade commercials with the infant supposedly discussing trading online. I was a while understanding what was being said (they aren't closed captioned), but their synchronization of dialogue (monologue? ) with the infant's expressions and behavior was pretty funny.
Then there's the sarcasm level, the infant telling the dad to start providing for his future.
1 The coors light commercials where they cut interviews and footage of coaches to match up with what regualr guys are saying about the coors light blue mountain cans.
The coors light commercials where they cut interviews and footage of coaches to match up with what regualr guys are saying about the coors light blue mountain cans.
2 The Capital One commercials with the Barbarians. Crappy product, hilarious commercials.
The Capital One commercials with the Barbarians. Crappy product, hilarious commercials.
3 I like the Jimmy Dean ads, even though I know they bought him out and he is still mad. The idea of our solar system in a modern office environment is strange enough for me to like.
I like the Jimmy Dean ads, even though I know they bought him out and he is still mad. The idea of our solar system in a modern office environment is strange enough for me to like.
4 As much as it pains me, the " I'm a Mac" "And I'm a PC" commercials.
As much as it pains me, the " I'm a Mac" "And I'm a PC" commercials.
" "What are some of the funniest TV commercials you've seen?" "Tell me what are your two favorite television commercials of all time(yes,sometimes they are bettter than the shows). " "When will TV commercials lower the volume for their ads? Some are rather loud." "Do you think there is a bias against men in TV commercials?
" "Who is your favorite character in TV commercials? " "Who is the chick in the Progressive insurance commercials on TV?" "Are there any t.v. Commercials which make your skin crawl?
I just can't stand the Cox Communications commercials" "Television commercials are almost as long as the Television programming. What happened to the 3 minute Laws?
Tell me what are your two favorite television commercials of all time(yes,sometimes they are bettter than the shows).
Are there any t.v. Commercials which make your skin crawl? I just can't stand the Cox Communications commercials.
Television commercials are almost as long as the Television programming. What happened to the 3 minute Laws?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.