Why is it okay to eat raw fish (sushi) or raw beef (steak tartare or rare burger) but not okay to eat raw chicken?

Similar questions: eat raw fish sushi beef steak tartare rare burger chicken.

None are really OK, it's a matter of risk assessment Sushi - low risk because of preparation. But you wouldn't want to eat it all the time. The risk is low, not nonexistant Steak tartare - same argument as sushi Rare burger - just plain stupid - ground meat is high risk uncooked raw chicken - very high risk of food poisoning, salmonella colonizes it more easily than other raw meats.So...partly it's in what the substance plays a good host for.

Partly is it in how the item is prepared. If it's intended to be eaten raw, there will be rigorous (hopefully) cleaning preparations. If it is not intended to be eaten raw (ground meat, chicken), the processors and packagers are relying on you to cook the stuff to keep yourself safe.

Sources: logic, knowledge .

Raw meat isn't bad for you. It is the bacteria in the intestines. So, if your carving a cow, it is easy to stay away from the e-coli in the intestines.

Chickens are small, if you butcher it yourself your safer. Just remember SH+T = belly ache! .

1 MrCrackers, regarding your answer "Raw meat isn't bad for you. It is the bacteria in the intestines. ":Some organisms colonize the muscles, (aka, the 'meat') like trichinosis for one.So it is not always true that raw meat is fine if kept away from contamination by gut organisms.

MrCrackers, regarding your answer "Raw meat isn't bad for you. It is the bacteria in the intestines. ":Some organisms colonize the muscles, (aka, the 'meat') like trichinosis for one.So it is not always true that raw meat is fine if kept away from contamination by gut organisms.

3 Chickens can host salmonella without any harmful effects. People cannot. Unless you have raised the chickens yourself and know they are salmonella free I suggest not eating it raw.

Chickens can host salmonella without any harmful effects. People cannot. Unless you have raised the chickens yourself and know they are salmonella free I suggest not eating it raw.

I'm looking for a holistic raw dehydrated grain-free dog food with limited ingredients..no beef, chicken, turkey or lamb.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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