22 yr old stay at home mom/having my cervix frozen, I am terrified!?

You are still a very young person so don't even begin to worry. Wait several years before you cash in your chips. There is a saying "Die when you are 20 and live till your 80."

Don't do that. Go for your dreams for you are extremely young and make each day count. I wish someone would have encouraged me to do this when I was your age.

The world is yours to do with what you will. Go chase some dollies, live your life, chase your dreams and each day will be an exciting adventure.

Ignore it and get out to the nearest clubs, if you get into those things. EVERYBODY there is in their early 20's! You are at a fantastic age where you get to be old enough to not be locked up at home, but get to go out to ANYTHING!

And not look too old yet like I am, and not be too young and sent back to Mom and grounded for life! 20 somethings have ALL the life! Old enough to know better, but still too young to care!

You get that paycheck and get to DO things with it like go places you had to argue with your parents over going when you were younger! Your youth isn't over until all those people at the clubs and concerts and other events for people over 21 only are younger than you! That's not for a long time!

If you're in the U.S., you can join the army until you're 35 I think. Young enough to join the army, you aren't OLD yet! Look at football players and all those cool guys!

Lots of them are in their 20's and their life surely isn't into the old stage yet! I wish you get to relax and have some FUN before the nothingness really comes in a few more decades! ENJOY and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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