3 different ways that 3 different countries reduce crime?

I entirely agree with YOU! If he's really acting like that? It's practically neglect.

Its already child abuse. That baby kind of requires healthy nutrition right now. Half of his DNA is there.

He has to man up and take responsiblity for this. There's no way out. It's either take care of the child now, or you can get rid of that uneducated, lazy loser and legally make him pay child support.

It's one way or the other. Yes, you do need good nutrition. Please don't be eating junk food.

That stuff is a potential endocrine disruptor. Don't expose your baby to teratogenic substances. Also, you need proper nutrition.

For example, the big one is FOLATE! I'm never having kids, and even I know this stuff! Really, I think you should be able to obtain proper food through WIC, right?

I surely hope so! There should be some kind of local social services that can provide you with nutrition education for soon to be mothers, right? Your boyfriend is the father.

He should be required to attend. Don't let him off the hook. He needs education.

Ignorance is no excuse.

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