Vibhishana's actions are Dharma and Acharyas, Karna supporting Duryodhana is adharma. Vibhishana always tried to bring Ravana to the correct path and left only when Ravana kicked him out and told him to go to Rama. Vibhishana never abandoned anybody.
The Acharyas were Duryodhana's elders...They mistook their debt to the Kingdom as their debt to Duryodhana. If Duryodhana was clear that he would not get their support, he would never even have considered a war. Karna was Duryodhana's close and trusted friend.
He never even tried to bring Duryodhana to the good path...Vastrapaharana was his idea. When Draupadi went to Bhishma to ask whether her being dragged into court in front of everyone is right or wrong, Bhishma said : "It's a very complicated issue and there is no clear answer to it." These were people who had the power to stop what was happening...But only Satyaki opposed it.
They were on the side of Adharma. I also believe that we should continue to have such discussions on important issues on public forums, preferably on Y! A International as well.
That's how others will be able to get past the misconceptions about Hinduism and will be able to respect us. We are not committing some crime that we need to hide. People who want bad info and interpretations have so many websites at their disposal.
But sacred knowledge by real scholars, most of whom preach in regional languages is available only directly from their lips...and from such sites. What we hear from them we can share...I myself have learnt so much from here. It would not have been possible if not for the "semi scholars" as Poondi sir calls them.
Not making sacred knowledge common is the reason why even good people are unaware of the meaning of many verses.
Vibhishana did not abandon Ravan but was thrown out by Ravana so he took shelter in Ram camp as he knew Ram was supreme god while Bhishma karna Dronacharya though they knew that dharma was in side of pandavas still support him because they were bounded by their vows to support Hastinapur or duryodhana and the latter also needed them . So both were right in their situation and their decision were true dharma.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.