You're referring to the victim here - it was the woman who ran the red light. Sometimes I wonder if victims are persecuted too much for things unrelated to the incident. In this case, the accident was caused by the woman, that's what you've been witness to.
That is all you need to tell and that's all you are need to report. What did you really see? Do you know for sure?
A little compassion for an innocent victim? Reasonable doubt? Would it help the victim in any way to say something?
Would that help them to be compensated for the injury that they have suffered? Really.
You're referring to the victim here - it was the woman who ran the red light. Sometimes I wonder if victims are persecuted too much for things unrelated to the incident. In this case, the accident was caused by the woman, that's what you've been witness to.
That is all you need to tell and that's all you are need to report. What did you really see? Do you know for sure?
A little compassion for an innocent victim? Reasonable doubt? Would it help the victim in any way to say something?
Would that help them to be compensated for the injury that they have suffered? Really...
Absolutely. I was recently a witness to a 3 car crash. The main car that caused the crash, the daughter was still in the car and her mother went lfying out the window and I saw the mother get up and grab a purse and throw it into the bushes.
I tyold the police officer, they took about 30 minutes to find the purse and low and behold it had a bunch of heroin, two syringes and some weed. The small details can sometimes tell the whole story :).
Yes absolutely. He might have been intoxicated and the cause of the accident. I think it is in the best interest of everyone for you to mention this to the police.
Since he threw something into the shrub, he is hiding something.
Yes of course. He may still be hurt from the accident, and the throwing out of the package is suspicious and the package will need to be recovered. It is for the best interests of the community.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.