Do Non-Witnesses twist the scriptures? I am a Jehovah's Witness.?

They may deserve to be many things this is true but Judgment Day is coming and they will give an account as all unbelievers will, before the King, Jesus Christ. Only He can judge those who profess to be His..amongst others.. Those who have mislead others in His Name will know exactly to whom they are facing as the books are opened that tell of every false prophecy, every lie and every action that doesn't line up with the Word of God and His authority, given to Him by God Himself. Jesus Himself said, that in the last days there would come wolves in sheep's clothing to deceive even the elect and we are seeing this more and more now in these times.

The JW's aren't the only ones proclaiming their "truth"...all the cults are very active in these times as the end is near and satan is reeling the lines in as more and more people seek the TRUTH, wherever it can be found. When new converts are told that jehovah is going to destroy all those who don't bear his name, so that for them reality is a world populated totally by jehovah's witnesses, it is a bit hard to believe that sane people would actually believe this but they do and their 'religion' is growing as people want to be a part of what they believe to be the winning side. However, I fear that despite there being many genuine seekers amongst their numbers, I feel that when Jesus tells them, 'Away from Me.

I never knew you' there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from amngst those who never believed that the words of God are true,... when He said, 'In My Father's house are many mansions and I go to pepare a place for you, that where I AM, you also may be' He was talking about Heaven, for when He took our place on the cross, it was to take the sins of the world upon His shoulders, and open the veil between heaven and earth...A sinless sacrifice was required by God and He became that sinless lamb of God. His actions allowed us to enter Heaven as His children when we confess our sins and repent of all our wrongdoing and ask Him into our hearts. Jesus never told us that only a small percentage of those who had accepted Him, would be eligible for Heaven..He didn't after all hang on a cross for over 6 hours for a small number of people but that ALL who called on His name would be saved.

Romans 6:23 JW's are also told to ignore the scriptures of Revelations because it is 'fantasy' yet once again, they are ignoring The Word of God...Every Scripture from a normal Bible, is God-breathed, so who is the liar? If you read Revelations you will know who the 144,000 are. They are offered as first fruits to their Creator, are virgins and are blameless, having never told a lie.

Now the Hebrews are His people and they also have the necessary 12 tribes from which 12,000 of each tribe will when I went to school. 12x 12,000= 144,000. Also, if you take the time to read Revelations, you will discover who will face Him on the day, and why will discover further on about the glories of the Heaven and all those who go with Him, in the first resurrection for they are indeed blessed...and the ones who return with Him, as the armies of Heaven and myriads of angels at Armageddon ...altogether the Bible is a guidebook for following the King, because without the relationship that comes from knowing and accepting Jesus Christ into your heart, the Bible is just a book..God breathed scripture but the key to understanding it is the relationship... John 3:16 says, ' For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life' Yes folks, you heard it right!

Eternal life...whooha come quickly Lord Jesus!

The same power that holds every religion together. Group think, unified purpose, hierarchy of leaders and followers. Every secular organization uses the same power, to accomplish it's goals.

Jw's have little to brag about as respects accomplishments. An analysis of the their own preaching efforts for the last 130 years shows a mediocre growth. All of their expectations have failed, they are now in the process of revising doctrines that were at the very core of their foundations.

This backward trend is causing their growth to stagnate in 1991 with 4 million jw, they baptized 301,000 now in 2010 7.5 million jw they baptized 295,000...6 thousand less, with twice the number of actively proselytizing members. What does that show about God's backing? @Edit; Galatians 5-1 remember it took you 40 years to exit.

I spent 30. GlenR is young and has probably never even edited a page of Wikipedia, and thinks it is an unbiased source. What he failed to realize is that the Watchtower PR dept spends time editing all Wiki subject matter to reflect their spin on things.

I once experimented with editing the Wiki page on Magazine circulation. The jw's had written that the Watchtower and Awake magazines are the most widely read journals in the world. I changed it to the most 'widely distributed' which is clearly more accurate.

I stopped changing it after three days of my editing failed to keep the more accurate statement. JW do monitor and change at will what they do not like.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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