When bakeing home made white bread can you substitute self rising flour for all purpose flour?

Similar questions: bakeing home made white bread substitute rising flour purpose.

Don't use self-rising flour for yeast bread unless the recipe calls for it. Self rising flour has salt and baking powder added, and yeast bread usually does not have baking powder at all.

It's not the same thing and you will get a different consistency. It may taste a bit like sour dough bread. You can give it a try, however.

Self-rising flour is flour plus baking powder. If you're making a "quick bread" (muffins, banana bread, etc) that calls for baking powder, you can substitute self-rising flour for both the yeast and the flour. If you're making a yeast-leavened bread, you can't leave out the yeast; it would be a totally different recipe.

Using self-rising flour with yeast would cause it to explode in the oven. You need to get plain all-purpose flour. (Or, for some recipes, bread flour, which has more gluten and results in a different texture.) Self-rising flour is often made with low-gluten flour and is aimed at southern-style biscuits (I see your name there, kentuckygirl).

But it's a lot more flexible to buy your baking powder separately in a can.

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I have a cookie recipe calling for cake flour and bread flour. How is this different than all purpose flour?

Difference between bread flour and all purpose.

Made bread at home and got itchy eyes after eating it. Does the fact that the flour used smelled moldy matter? Dangerous?

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