If I select no best answer after 3 days, can I still get a full refund? I would like to leave my question and tip out there longer but?

The asker has four days from the time the question is asked to select a best answer by clicking the Select as Best Answer button next to the answer they choose. If the asker doesn't select a best answer within four days, the question moves to the undecided questions tab and the community votes for the best answer.At the end of the voting period, which lasts two days, the answer with the most votes is declared the best answer and receives the tip if a tip was offered. If no best answer has the most votes, the question is closed without a best answer and if a tip was offered the the tip is credited to the asker's account.

If there's a tie, the voting period is extended until one answer has the most votes." So it sounds to me like you'll be refunded if and only if there truly is no best answer, as decided upon by the community.

If you leave it out there after three days, it goes to voting. If the community agrees that there is no best answer, no tip will be awarded. I would assume in that case that the tip would then be refunded.

However I would confirm this by emailing Mahalo directly at contact@mahalo.com. There is also no guarantee that the community would vote that way.

CMEHL, you wacky man, I personally spent around 12 hours screwing with that ICE CREAM! Question. I had people from Korea to Germany trying to help me to no avail.No offense @walrus, but if the point-hungry community inadvertently votes his as "Best Answer," the Mahalo reactor core will cease being properly controlled and cooled, and the sealed nuclear fuel assemblies – which contain the uranium or plutonium and highly radioactive fission products that keep Jason Calacanis|Jason's Brain|brain operational– will begin to overheat and melt.

Much as ice cream does. Especially Australian ice cream."TURN YOUR KEY, SIR! TURN YOUR KEY!

The open voting period lasts 2 days, if no answer has the most votes after this time, then no best answer is declared. So if there are no votes or a tie 2 days after the open voting period starts no best answer is selected. From Mahalo Answers' Help Page: How are best answers selected?

The asker has three days from the time the question is asked to select a best answer by clicking the Select as Best Answer button next to the answer they choose. If the asker doesn't select a best answer within three days, the question moves to the undecided questions tab and the community votes for the best answer. At the end of the voting period, which lasts two days, the answer with the most votes is declared the best answer and receives the tip if a tip was offered.

If there's a tie or no best answer has the most votes, the question is closed without a best answer and if a tip was offered the the tip is credited to the asker's account. Zero votes are necessary. The open voting period lasts 2 days, if no answer has the most votes after this time, then no best answer is declared.

So if there are no votes or a tie 2 days after the open voting period starts no best answer is selected. How are best answers selected? The asker has three days from the time the question is asked to select a best answer by clicking the Select as Best Answer button next to the answer they choose.

If the asker doesn't select a best answer within three days, the question moves to the undecided questions tab and the community votes for the best answer. At the end of the voting period, which lasts two days, the answer with the most votes is declared the best answer and receives the tip if a tip was offered. If there's a tie or no best answer has the most votes, the question is closed without a best answer and if a tip was offered the the tip is credited to the asker's account.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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