Why are some banjos so heavy? They must weigh 25 pounds. Also a metal dobro I tried was really heavy too. Why? Thanks?

They must weigh 25 pounds. Also a metal dobro I tried was really heavy too. Why?

Thanks Asked by jcritchie 47 months ago Similar questions: banjos heavy weigh 25 pounds metal dobro Entertainment > Music > Music Instruments.

Similar questions: banjos heavy weigh 25 pounds metal dobro.

These instruments are heavy because... construction and the amount of metal in the instrument. In the case of the banjo, the wood used to construct the body is almost an inch thick. COmpare this to a guitar or orchestral string instrument--the wood--except for the nect--is thin, and the internal bracing minimal.

There's a heavy-duty metal ring that holds the head in place, and all the wires and springs to balance it. In the case of the Dobro, it's the resonator, AND that the construction of the insturment has to be beefed up to support the resonator. My brother actually makes banjos--they're gorgeous.

He also does instrument repair on bluegrass instruments. And he used to play the dobro some. My sister is a luthier.

Sources: What I learned hanging around my brother and sister all these years. NancyE's Recommendations Work Is For People Who Don't Play The BANJO Mug (Your Choice of Colors) The banjo has a resonator, too, but not the same kind or configuration as a dobro.

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