The Volvo 240,740 and 940 have index marks which line up with dots on the cam and distributor gears. The crank gear has a mark in the outer guide washer which lines up with a mark on the seal cover. The cam index mark is nearly straight up on the inner cver, the distributor index mark is horizontal on the left of the gear(car's left).
If you time the engine to TDC before removing the lower pulley it will all stay nicely in place. In addition Volvo has made it easier for you by placing marks on the belt which line up with the marks on the pulley's. Note that on later models the distributor is on the back of the engine and the distributor gear just drives the oil pump.
Correct timing is unnecessary. Confirm that the tensioner bearing is free and not noisy or you will have a problem later.
Volvo pan gasket. http://www.booghteck. Com1 , Here we are showing you some procedures on reinstalling a six cylinder volvo cylinder head and timing belt.
The moral of the story, is to replace the timing belt with associated parts, like tensioner and roller bearings on high mileage vehicles. This car jumped timing when the tensioner bearing dryed up and spin out. http://www.booghteck.
Com2 â? º Dr. Jay Van Gorden, Master Volvo tech is here to show you how to change the oil, oil filter and drain plug on your Volvo S60. The steps are simple, but it never hurts to have an expert show you the way.
If you have any questions for Dr. Jay leave them in the comments below.
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