They will find a way to disfellowship you as an example. I have had no contact with my family for 28 years sad but true. My dad is an Elder and a pedophile and well respected in the congregation ( gross) there is much support out there from Christians who have left like myself.
You can e mail me any time Where do you live there are churches and organizations who will help you start over. You need to leave and not let anyone know what your are doing. Kinda a don't ask don't tell thing.
Your father can keep his position and eventually they will focus on someone else. What you do is none of their business. I disagree with the others on this one in that if you disassociate yourself they will disfellowship you anyway..that did that to me EDIT>>.
I mentioned the help of a Church.......Christians will help agnostics Atheists anyone in need without strings attached.....Happened to me I experienced true Christian love when I was doubting the witnesses and I never ever attended this area church they just saw I was in need and helped.....
Sasi and Grey Tower offer some pretty good advice. Obviously you don't want to lose your family, let alone all your former friends. Yes you can consider that if any of your friends are true blue jw, they will 'mark you' even if your not disassociated or disfellowshipped.
So kiss your friends goodbye. Jw have an expression 'theocratic warfare', well it's time for you do to do a little of the same strategy. Remember the elders including your father, are mandated to observe and report any actions by congregation members considered as weak or bordering on 'unchristian conduct'.
That covers the spectrum of outright immorality (sex, drugs, compromising neutrality, blood transfusions, well you of all people know the list). The moment you stop reporting fs time, your book study elder will be calling. In each of these cases since your very family ties are involved, 'cautious as serpents and innocent as doves' say the very least about it all.
If you have to couch the words in more palatable ways for your father and mother. If you lash out at them now. Even though you may feel an emotional release, you lose.
Do everything in your power to avoid being df'd. The less you say the better. If they call you into a committee meeting, simply tell them you are unsure of everything right now.
They cannot take action against someone who is unsure. They will df you if you say ' I don't believe in this or that...' Controlling your emotions now is more important than at anytime in you life. If you rip into them they will win.
You lose your family. Perhaps for the rest of your life. I ripped into them 30 years ago and lost my entire family.
Don't make the same mistake.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.